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Gen info The Philippine's national flower. botany · Spreading or sprawling shrub, usually less than 2 m in height. · Leaves are glossy, ovate or rounded and 6 to 12 cm long, with short stalks, pointed or blunt tip and pointed or rounded base. · Flowers are white, very fragrant and borne singly or in 3's in axillary or terminal inflorescence. Calyx teeth are 8 to 10, very slender, 5 to 8 mm long. Corolla tube is slender and 1 to 1.5 cm long, the limb is usually double and 1.5 to 2 cm in diameter. Stamens, 2, included, ovary, 2-celled. · The double kind is called "kampupot," which is less fragrant.=Constituents • Tannins, fats, silicon, iron, glucosides, calcium oxalate, essential oil from the flowers is similar to jasmin (Jasminum grandiflores) • Phytochemical study yielded alkaloids, glycoside, flavanoid, terpines, tannin, resin and salicylic acid. • From the roots, study yielded: dotriacontanoic acid, dotriacontanol, oleanolic acid, daucoste4rol and hesperidin. source Properties · Leaves and flowers, antipyretic and decongestant; roots, analgesic. Flowers, lactifuge; flower extract, deodorant.==Distribution Commonly cultivated throughout the Philippines for ornamental purposes but probably nowhere spontaneous. Parts used and preparation Flowers, roots and leaves. Collect buds and newly opened flowers, sun-dry after harvest. Uses Ornamental A favorite floral offering and adornment for altars. Folkloric · Fever or cough: Take decoction of flowers or leaves as needed. · Ulcers: Pound flowers or leaves and apply on affected areas. · Fever, abdominal distention, and diarrhea: use 3 to 6 gm of dried flowers or leaves, combined with other drug materials, use in decoction form. · Reddening and swelling pain in the eye, use decoction of dried flowers as eyewash. · Sprains and fractures: use root material in combination with other drugs and apply as external poultice. · Flavor: Use flowers to flavor tea. · Lactifuge: Bruised leaves are applied to the breasts. • In India, traditionally used for skin disorders. • In ancient Baghdad, used with opium for gangrenous ulcers of the gums. source Cosmetic · Infusion of flowers used as a face wash because of its fragrance, cleansing and soothing properties. · Flowers in ben oil or coconut oil for hair, facial or body use or as a perfume oil or perfume base. · Digestion with vegetable oil to make oil tinctures or liniments.==Studies • Antibacterial: Study showed all extracts with antimicrobial activity against pathogens, scoring highest with S typhii and lowest with S aureus. The study supports its traditional use for infections. • Anti-lactation: Jasmine flowers, applied to the breasts showed suppression of puerperal lactation comparable to Bromocriptine, with significant reduction of serum prolactin (greater than bromocriptine). Jasmine flowers offers an inexpensive alternative to suppresion of puerperal lactation.=

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What is jasmine tea made from?

Jasmine Tea is made from Jasmine flowers. The most common Jasmine plants that are used for jasmine tea and other jasmine based products are blossoms from common jasmine (Jasminum officinale) or sampaguita (Jasminum sambac). If you want to buy best jasmine tea, I would recommend you UsTwoTea.

How do you make a cologne by using sampaguita?

use sampaguita leaves

When was Sampaguita Pictures created?

Sampaguita Pictures was created in 1937.

Why sampaguita as scent?

because sampaguita is sweetly scented tropical flower and besides sampaguita is the national flower of the Philippines and Indonesia.

How do sampaguita reproduce?

Sampaguita plants reproduce through pollination. Bees and other insects are attracted to the fragrant flowers and help transfer pollen between flowers, leading to fertilization. Once fertilized, the flowers develop seeds that can be used to grow new sampaguita plants.

How do you propagate sampaguita?

You can propagate the sampaguita by cutting the hardwood stem or by cutting its leaves. Propagating the leaves can result in the sprouting of new sampaguita.

What is the pylum of sampaguita?

The phylum of sampaguita is Magnoliophyta, which includes flowering plants.

Is sampaguita a monocot or dicot?

I think it's a dicot since it has two flowers.

What is the tagalog term of sampaguita?

Sampaguita is known as a national flower. This type of flower is sene in the Philippines.

What is the shape of the sampaguita stem?

The sampaguita stem is typically slender, green, and has small, elongated leaves arranged opposite each other along the stem.

What is differences between santan and sampaguita?

the sampaguita is many petal and santan many flowering