A gas is something that is not a solid or a liquid like water.
Solids have a strong intermolecular force between their particles, which prevents them from moving freely. The particles in a solid are arranged in a fixed, orderly structure, giving the solid a definite shape and volume. This arrangement results in solid objects having strong and rigid properties.
a liquid is not solid of gas it is not something u can hold its a liquid and u can see it
A solid shape with regular area and height makes a prism. A solid shape with regular area and height makes a prism. A solid shape with regular area and height makes a prism.
a solid is something that hols its shape and a liquid is something that can change its shape.
what makes solid hard
matter makes something divided to three parts . To make anything become that three parts like Gas, Liquid, Solid
Generally, no. That's what makes it a solid. Unless of course the solid has holes in it.
When something is changing from a solid to a liquid, it is melting.
a solid is an object that is hard and liquid is something you can pour
When something is changing from a solid to a liquid, it is melting.