

Best Answer

You can do :

  1. Dog walking
  2. Lawn mowing
  3. Pony riding
  4. Babysitting
  5. House Cleaner

Thats what you can do and I have a job for you dog walking if anyone wants the job call this 011745936836

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Q: What jobs can you do to get money im only 11 years old coming on 12?
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What are some jobs that make good money and that only needs at the most 8 years of school?

if you want be a teacher like me then just go to college for four years.

What jobs can you get in lowestoft at 13 years old?

you cant get many jobs.. I live in lowestoft and have been trying to get a job for a long while, I am 16.. try looking out for newspaper rounds coming up at your local corner shop, they may be the only jobs you can get I'm afraid.

Are jobs needed?

Only if you want to earn money to pay your bills.

Its true that you recived money this coming Friday?

No, I only get paid on the 10th and 15th.

Are jobs good for you?

Yes, if you can get one. YES! Because you get paid money and also only if your into them also you can feed your family with the money!

How can you make money if you are only twelve years old?

you can't make any money until you are 13 when you can get a paper round. At the age of 16 you can get most jobs except working in bars or serving alcohol for that you need to be 18. Hope this helps :)

What job gets a 8 year old 100 dollars?

At 8 years old, the only jobs you can legally do are helping your parents or neighbours with jobs such as cleaning the house, doing the dishes, washing the car, mowing lawns, etc for small amounts of money

What jobs can 9 year old get pay good money?

The only jobs I know that a 9 year old can do are yard sales, helping neighbours ect. There's not much a kid can do to earn money.

Can IRS take your money if you was in an accident?

No. Since you are black, its obvious you already get free money from welfare. The IRS only bothers people with jobs.

What was the biggest post World War 2 problem in US?

men coming home expecting to go into jobs as they had been told they would before and during the war, only to discover that there were no jobs.

Are there jobs for 11 year old girls?

no sorry only cleaning around the house for pocket money

How much had Steve Jobs earned from apple?

When Steve Jobs was the CEO of Apple, he only earned $1.00 a year. He got most of his money through stocks that he owned.