Related jobs to plumbers include:
HVAC technicians
Pipe layers
Sprinkler fitters
Plumbers can have many aspects to their jobs depending on whether they work as a residential plumber or a commercial plumber. Generally, they focus on repairing plumbing.
Jobs for Plumbers can be found through many online job search sites such Reed, Indeed and Job Rapido. However it may be more beneficial to look at focused job sites for the construction industry or one specifically for plumbers such.
Plumbers commonly use an adjustable wrench to fix sink-related issues.
Jobs in Africa are similar to jobs around the world. Many countries in Africa have engineers, doctors, plumbers and teachers.
All kinds of jobs. Many people work for local governments. Lots are in trade - electricians, builders, plumbers etc. Many are teachers, solicitors. There are lots of oil and gas related jobs around Aberdeen.
MILITARY! and other normal jobs like factories, repair, plumbers, and screwing your mom. this source is not reliable
postmen, firemen, gardeners, painters, fishermen, builders, plumbers, electricians
Around 6 out of 10 depending what ur working on...
Mario and Luigi were plumbers, so that's probably a reference to their jobs
MILITARY! and other normal jobs like factories, repair, plumbers, and screwing your mom. this source is not reliable
Related to water systems, it is usually a plumber.