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Q: What is working anaerobically?
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Can bacteria grow both aerobically and anaerobically?

Yes, bacteria can grow both aerobically (with oxygen) and anaerobically (without oxygen).

How does archaebacteria breath?

Aerobically and Anaerobically

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What happens when yeast respires anaerobically?


What is it called when yeast respire anaerobically?


During the 200 meters shannon will be working anaerobically.?

any kind of workout you do that involves heavy breathing is called aerobic...anaerobic means the workout has nothing to do with running walking or jumping ect.. ect...

Muscles operating anaerobically are said to be in a state of?

Oxygen Debt

What gas is produced when yeast respire anaerobically?

When yeast respires anaerobically it takes glucose (C6H12O6) and breaks it into ethanol, a small amount of energy, and two molecules of carbon dioxide gas (2CO2).

What is produced when yeast respires anaerobically?

Yeast produces ethanol (alcohol) and carbon dioxide when it respires anaerobically. This process is commonly known as alcoholic fermentation and is used in baking and brewing industries.

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How do you make alchole?

yeast produce ethanol(alchohol) as they anaerobically respire

Does yeast respire anaerobically and what is the method?

yes it does respire anaerobically it goes under the process of fermentation EQUATION GLUCOSE= CARBON DIOXIDE+ SMALL AMOUNT OF ENERGY+ ETHANOL yes (It go's under fermentation- Alayna Nikole)