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Measuring an employee's performance against established standards.

This process assesses employee job traits and/or behaviors. Included in this group are the following methods: the critical incident appraisal, the checklist, the graphic rating scale, forced choice, and behaviorally anchored rating scales.

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9y ago

Performance evaluation is a tool you can use to help enhance the efficiency of the work unit. This tool is a means to help ensure that employees are being utilized effectively. Employees can use it as a clear indication of what is expected of them before you tell them how well they are doing, and then as feedback of how well they did.

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11y ago

In this technique, management establishes the goals openly and sets targets against realistic output standards. These standards are incorporated into the organizational performance appraisal system.

Thus each employee has a clear understanding of their duties and knows well what is expected of them. Performance appraisal and interview comments are related to these duties. This makes the appraisal process objective and more accurate.

However, it is difficult to compare individual ratings because standards for work may differ from job to job and from employee to employee. This limitation can be overcome by some form of ranking using pooled judgment.

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The requirements that salesmen meet to make a profit for thief company

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Q: What is the work standard approach of performance appraisal?
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Key to success with standard-based work performance in an organization is to have the appraisal system backed by a clear sense of corporate purpose.

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Work standards also provide employers with a reliable performance appraisal system. This compensation process is referred to as standard-based work performance.

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Work standards also provide employers with a reliable performance appraisal system. This compensation process is referred to as standard-based work performance.

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What is the difference between performance appraisals and job evaluation?

The performance appraisal simply measures performance, while performance management is used to improve performance.Performance management and performance appraisals are often confused. These two concepts have many elements in common, but an understanding of the comparisons and dissimilarities is vital for improving performance. The main distinction between the two is that the performance appraisal is a tool, while performance management is a process. While the performance appraisal is a useful tool, it is essential to remember that it is most effective when used within an overall performance management process.Historyo Human beings have judged the work of others for as long as we have performed work for one another. However, the performance appraisal is a relatively new concept, evolving around the time of World War II. Historically, the performance appraisal was used to justify compensation levels for workers. Over the next several decades, the performance appraisal evolved from a tool commonly used only to reward or punish workers for current performance. It was not until the 1950s that managers and management theorists began to recognize the usefulness of the performance appraisal as a tool used within the overall performance management process. Performance Appraisalo The performance appraisal is a performance measurement tool that measures individual employee performance in a variety of activities. The performance appraisal may measure such aspects of performance as units produced and quality of an individual's overall work. Performance appraisals are also commonly used to document performance issues, including excessive absenteeism or the inability of an individual employee to adhere to policies and procedures. This type of documentation may be used to justify disciplinary action and eventual discharge of problem employees. Additionally, individual employee pay rates and bonuses are commonly tied to performance appraisal scores. Do you need efficient and really applied processes?Performance Managemento Performance management may be used on an individual, department or organization-wide basis. The main goal of performance management is to improve performance. According to the U.S. Office of Personnel Management, performance management consists of several elements, including performance measurement. Performance management begins with the planning of work, followed by monitoring performance and developing employees to ensure they maintain the abilities needed to perform at desired levels. Finally, a performance appraisal or similar rating system is used to rate employee performance and justify rewards for those who meet or exceed expectations.

What are the Difference between eac original approach and eac revise estimate approach?

For original estimate approach it does not take into account for past cost performance for forecasting of future performance and only take original cost of work. Whereas revised estimate approach takes past cost performance as a good forecast indicator for future performance.

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there are three approaches such as; 1. tell and sell approach - the staff have to accept the appraisal 2. tell and listen approach - the staff is given a chance to explain 3. counselling - suggestions by the interviewer is needed to improve the work of the interviewee.