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potential energy

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Q: What is the type of energy stored in a fruit hanging in a tree?
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What type of energy is stored in a tree?

The energy stored in a tree is primarily potential energy. This energy is stored in the form of chemical energy through photosynthesis, where the tree converts sunlight into glucose and stores it in its cells for growth and metabolism. When the wood is burned, this stored energy is released as heat and light energy.

What has stored gravitational potential energy?

a leaf hanging on a tree

Object hanging on a tree a kinetic or potential energy?

Potential energy is the energy contained in the position of an object, so object hanging on a tree would be potential energy.

What kind of form energy does a guava hanging on a guava tree?

potential energy

What stores gravitational potential energy?

a leaf hanging on a tree

What energy does an apple hanging from a tree have?

chemical energy

Which form of energy does a leaf falls from a tree have?

The potential energy stored in the leaf is converted to kinetic energy as it falls from a tree.

What type of energy is weight hanging from a tree?

Primarily potential energy (possibly a little bit of kinetic energy if it is swinging back and forth). If whatever it is hanging by is severed, it will fall - transitioning from potential to kinetic energy.

Can a neighbor pick your fruits off your tree that's hanging on their property?

No, your neighbor cannot pick fruits off your tree that are hanging on their property without your permission. It is considered trespassing and the fruits are still considered your property until they are harvested.

What form of energy is found in an apple on a tree?

The energy stored in an apple on a tree is in the form of chemical potential energy. This energy is derived from the conversion of sunlight during photosynthesis, which is stored in the form of sugars and nutrients in the apple.