No, The Oscar Mayer Wienermobile was created in 1936 by Carl Mayer, Oscar Mayer's nephew. General Body Company developed the vehicle and it was used as a promotional tool for Oscar Mayer.
Oscar Mayer was created in 1900.
The Oscar Mayer Wienermobile was created in 1936 by Carl Mayer, Oscar Mayer's nephew.
Oscar G. Mayer is known for being the former chairman of the Oscar Mayer Company, a meat and cold cut production company founded by his grandfather. He is not known for writing any literary works.
Lunchables are one of Oscar Mayer's products
I wish i was an Oscar mayer wiener that is what i truly want to be if i were an Oscar mayer wiener everyone would be in love with me
I wish I were an Oscar Mayer Weiner That is what I truly wish to be cause if i were a Oscar mayer weiner everyone would be in love oh everyone would be in love everyone would be in love with me
Philip Morris acquired Oscar Mayer in 1988
Philip Morris acquired Oscar Mayer in 1988
Oscar Ferdinand Mayer
In 1998 the Oscar Mayer division of Philip Morris had revenues of $17.3 billion
You can email Oscar Mayer through the Kraft site, but it does not appear that they publish an email address.