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a woman earns 76 cents to a man's dollar

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Q: What is the ratio of working women as compared to working men?
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Related questions

What is the ratio of working women in the world?

The answer depends on what the number of working women is being compared to:working women to working men?working women to non-working women?Also, by "working women" do you mean only paid work?

What in the ratio of men to women in California?

what is the ratio of women to men in California?

What is the ratio of women who deepthroat?

The answer depends on the context of the comparison. Is it the ratio of women who deep throat as compared toall women;women of sexually active age,men who deepthroatthe whole population?

What is your opinion Of working men compared to working women?

for me, there is no different between the working of man and woman both of them are are capable to contbute the social economy .

What was ratio of women to men in California in mid-19th century?

what is the ratio of women to men in California?

What is the ratio of men to women in Russia?

its about 75 men for 100 women

What is the ratio of men and women in the university of Oregon?

The ratio of men and women in the university of Oregon can be find out by :Number of men in the University of oregon.number of women in the university of oregon.Then , dividing the number of men : number of women.

What is the ratio of men to woman smokers?

It is estimated that globally, more men smoke compared to women. The ratio of male smokers to female smokers varies by country and region. In many places, the ratio is approximately 2:1 or 3:1, with more men smoking than women.

Men to woman ratio in Jamaica?

I believe the ratio is 4 women to 1 man

What if your class has 8 women and 19 men Write the number of women to men as a ratio and as a quotient What percent of the class are women?

The ratio of women to men is 8:19. The quotient of women to men is 8/19. The percentage of women in the class is 30.8%.

What is the ratio of men in prison?

The answer depends on whether you want the ratio of men in prison compared to:men not in prison,all men,women in prison,the total prison population,the total population (in or out of prison).Since you have not specified what you require, it is not possible to give a more useful answer.

What is ratio of men to women in Zambia?

Estimates for the ratio of men to women, aged 15 or more, in 2014 in Zambia is 0.99 to 1.