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You either get to be CEO by starting your own company, or somebody hires you. By the time somebody seriously considers hiring you for a CEO job, it's probably been twenty or thirty years since anybody cared about whether you went to school, or what you studied, or where. By the time somebody ready to give you a CEO job, they want to know all about what you've done for other companies that you have worked for in the past. They want to talk to all of the people you have worked with. Find out what kind of leader you are. Find out how you operate. How you get things done. How you get people motivated and get them on your side.

They want to know what you tried, What kind of results you got, What worked, what didn't work, how you recovered, how quickly you recovered. They want to know how you handle delicate negotiations, how you deliver the bad news, how you deliver the good news,... This list goes on and on and on.

They'll probably ask you where you went to school, but that's because they want to know who you know, not what you know.

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12y ago
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13y ago

That really depends on the industry and whether you are going to start the company or work for someone else.

If you have the funds you can simply start your own company and declare yourself as CEO.

Many CEO's have no specialized training at all, often simply rising in the ranks by showing initiative and skill in their chosen field in addition to management skills.

A solid foundation in management, marketing and business would be helpful, especially in the modern job market but has never in the past been an absolute requirement.

It is more important to be an expert in a specific field. I have friends who are CEO's. One in particular comes to mind, he had a 4 year engineering degree. After a few years working for someone else, he earned a 2 year business degree and started his own company. He is now CEO of a multi million dollar engineering firm.

Figure out what industry you want to work in, become an expert in that. Than add some business management and marketing. The rest is talent and personality.

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15y ago

None whatsoever.

You either get to be CEO by starting your own company, or somebody hires you. By the time somebody seriously considers hiring you for a CEO job, it's probably been twenty or thirty years since anybody cared about whether you went to school, or what you studied, or where. By the time somebody's ready to give you a CEO job, they want to know all about what you've done for other companies that you have worked for in the past. They want to talk to all of the people you have worked with. Find out what kind of leader you are. Find out how you operate. How you get things done. How you get people motivated and get them on your side.

They want to know what you tried, What kind of results you got, What worked, what didn't work, how you recovered, how quickly you recovered. They want to know how you handle delicate negotiations, how you deliver the bad news, how you deliver the good news,... This list goes on and on and on.

They'll probably ask you where you went to school, but that's because they want to know who you know, not what you know.

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10y ago

There are no formal qualifications required to become a CEO. Statistically, however, CEOs typically have graduate degrees in a field related to their company from a reputable school.

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14y ago

There are no particular qualifications for becoming a CEO.

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13y ago

Your masters in business and in enginering

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12y ago

Experience is the course that would land you a CEO's job. No high school, college or training courses would do that.

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10y ago

the least is bachalers degree

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