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The peak of a sound wave is the instant at which the particles in the conducting medium are displaced farthest from their rest position. Note that the peak ... or any other point in the wave ... moves through the medium, at the speed of . . . . . wait for it . . . . . sound !

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Q: What is the peak of a sound wave?
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What is wave length in sound?

The wave length is the distance between the peak of one sound pressure or electrical wave and the peak of the next. It's also known as one cycle (1 Hertz).

What is the period of a 261 Hertz sound wave is?

The period of a 261 Hz sound wave is approximately 0.00383 seconds. This value represents the time taken for one full cycle of the wave to occur, from peak to peak.

The distance between one crest or peak of a sound wave and the next crest or peak?


What does cycle mean in reference to sound?

In reference to sound, a cycle typically refers to the complete wave pattern of a sound wave going from its highest point (peak) to its lowest point (trough) and back to its starting point. This complete cycle represents one full oscillation of the sound wave.

Which area of this sound wave represents a compression?

The area of a sound wave that represents a compression is the region where the particles are closest together, resulting in high pressure. This is typically seen as the peak or crest of the wave.

What is a sound wave of a high pressure called?

A sound wave of high pressure is called a compression or a peak in the wave's amplitude. These high-pressure regions correspond to the portions of the wave where air particles are densely packed together.

What is the distance between two points on a sound wave?

The distance between two points on a sound wave is known as the wavelength. It is the physical length of one cycle of the wave, which is typically measured from one peak (or trough) to the next. The wavelength of a sound wave is inversely proportional to its frequency.

The peak of sound wave where the lowest air pressure occurs?

The peak of a sound wave where the lowest air pressure occurs is called the rarefaction. This is the point where the air molecules are spread out, creating a region of decreased pressure compared to the surrounding air.

Why does the lub sound occur around the peak of the R wave?

The lub sound occurs around the peak of the R wave in an ECG because it is associated with closure of the mitral and tricuspid valves, which happens at the beginning of ventricular contraction. This coincides with the R wave, which represents ventricular depolarization and the onset of ventricular systole.

What is a high point of sound called?

A high point of sound is called a peak. It represents the maximum amplitude or intensity of a sound wave in a given moment.

What kind of amplitude does a quiet sound have?

A quiet sound typically has a lower amplitude, meaning that the sound wave has a smaller peak-to-peak distance or intensity. This results in a lower volume or energy level compared to louder sounds.

What is the peak to peak distance of wave?

The wavelength.