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in general Consoling people. camp counselor? watching kids. psychiatrist, listening and helping them with tough situations past or present

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A adult who helps children in need of guidance.

An adult who is responsible for a child at a day camp.

idk which one u needed there are many forms of counselor

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Q: What is the nature of work for a counselor?
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Can you work as a correctional counselor in atlanta with a felony?

It is possible to work as a correctional counselor in Atlanta with a felony, but it may present challenges given the nature of the job and restrictions related to working with individuals who have criminal backgrounds. It ultimately depends on the specific hiring policies of the correctional facility and the nature of the felony conviction.

What is the nature of a counselors work?

in general Consoling people. camp counselor? watching kids. psychiatrist, listening and helping them with tough situations past or present

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how many hours do you have to work as a counselor? idk i so stupid

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What does furnish a work permit mean?

To furnish a work permit you must, visit your school counselor and ask for a work permit. Your counselor will help you. The permit will need to be signed by both school and work. The work will then file it.

What is the meaning of nature of work?

nature of work is the nature of the work you are doing

What qualifications are required work as a counselor?

The qualifications required to work as a counselor typically include some psychological classes as well as some classes to learn how to provide therapy to someone. A typical counselor will spend about 6 years in school.

Where does a counselor work?

mostly any where that has to do with buisness or schools.

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Should there be a comma before as well in the following sentence-Because the option to work within many areas excites you you decided to speak with a pediatric counselor and cancer counselor as well?

No. But do note the comma that should separate the 2 occurences of 'you'. Because the option to work within many areas excites you, you decided to speak with a pediatric counselor and cancer counselor as well? The sentence would be more clear if written as follows: Because the option to work within many areas excites you, you decided to speak with both a pediatric counselor and a cancer counselor?"

What is a sentence that starts with the word counselor?

The singular "counselor" would require an adjective or article to start a sentence, but you can use it as a modifier or a title. Example : "Counselor behavior is carefully monitored in summer camps." Example : "Counselor Green received a commendation for his work."

What college has a department for students with disabilities?

All colleges and universities should have a designated individual to work with the needs of students with disabilities. They are often located within the counseling department of the school school and referred to as a disabilities counselor, or counselor for students with disabilities.All colleges and universities should have a designated individual to work with the needs of students with disabilities. They are often located within the counseling department of the school school and referred to as a disabilities counselor, or counselor for students with disabilities.All colleges and universities should have a designated individual to work with the needs of students with disabilities. They are often located within the counseling department of the school school and referred to as a disabilities counselor, or counselor for students with disabilities.All colleges and universities should have a designated individual to work with the needs of students with disabilities. They are often located within the counseling department of the school school and referred to as a disabilities counselor, or counselor for students with disabilities.All colleges and universities should have a designated individual to work with the needs of students with disabilities. They are often located within the counseling department of the school school and referred to as a disabilities counselor, or counselor for students with disabilities.All colleges and universities should have a designated individual to work with the needs of students with disabilities. They are often located within the counseling department of the school school and referred to as a disabilities counselor, or counselor for students with disabilities.