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Q: What is the main labor force in the south?
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What institution was introduced in the south to provide a cheap labor force?

Slavery was introduced to provide a cheap labor force.

What is the unemployment rate in South Dakota?

As of February 2010, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics the unemployment rate in South Dakota is 5.5% of the labor force.

What is the main occupation of Afghanistan?

About 78% of the labor force in Afghanistan is invloved in agriculture.

What is a force labor?

force labor

The main reason for the the creation of the institution of sharecropping was to?

to provide "cashless" landowners with a source of farm labor -Blissful

Main labor force of southern colonies?

slaves as well as indentured servants, convicts and the homeless i like boobs

Are retirees included in the labor force?

No, retirees are counted by the Bureau of Labor Statistics as "out of the labor force."

The labor force is equal to the?

The labor force is equal to a financial asset.

The potential labor force is the same as the civilian labor force?


What were two main features of farming in the south?

Two main features of farming in the South were the reliance on cash crops like cotton and tobacco for profit, and the use of slave labor to work on plantations.

What qualifies to be considered in the labor force?

The labor force is consider as the number of people working. The labor force includes people who are working and those unemployed.

What is the estimated labor force in Brazil?

Brazil has a total population of approximately 200,400,000, and its estimated labor force is 104,745,358. The labor force in the United States is 158,666,072.