Coastal Engineer- civil engineering + ocean coast
Marine Engineer- boat mechanics
Naval Architects- boat design
Ocean Engineer- deep ocean robots and applied mech eng
Offshore Engineer- building in deep water e.g. oil drilling sites
Port Engineer- building ports on water
Marine Surveyor- improving equipment to help marine sciences
Ocean Engineer
to design, engineer and plan the structure saftey, and design of a building or a structure
You could be a - manufacturing engineer - design engineer - manufacturing manager - quality control engineer - quality control manager - vice president - president
to design, engineer and plan the structure saftey, and design of a building or a structure
what is the job outlook in the wnba
What is the job outlook for pharmacists right now
what is the job outlook for neuro surgeons
going on a dive to collect different samples of ocean water at different depths
What IS the occupational outlook of WHAT job is a better question.
If you are wondering what job outlook means it is simple. A job outlook is what the job will look like in the future as far as available work and pay rates.
The job outlook is excellent as long as the business is successful.