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A tornado changes an ecosystem, but it recovers quickly because the area of damage is small. It damages trees and vegetation that animals need to survive. it can cause flooding and temporary loss of habitat.

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Q: What is the ecosystem like after a tornado?
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Related questions

Is tornado a natural ecosystem?

That's a big NO! Tornado is never an ecosystem.It is a weather phenomenon.

How can a tornado affect the ecosystem?

The main impact of a tornado on ecosystems is the destruction of trees and other vegetation. Animals caught in a tornado may be killed or injured as well.

Things that distract the cycle in the ecosystem?

Burning Earthquake Pollution Tornado

How do natural factors affect the ecosystem?

it is because it causes animals to eat plants and we lose plants

What is the most serious impact to an ecosystem after a tornado?

The most serious impact is usually the destruction of trees and animal habitats.

What a tornado looks like?

A waterspout it a tornado that forms on a body of water. It looks like a land formed tornado but on a smaller scale.

Does the ocean turn like a tornado during a hurricane?

It dose not turn like a tornado.

What does a ecosystem look like on the moon?

it does not have an ecosystem

How is a school yard like a ecosystem?

it is not a ecosystem =]

What is a cone shaped tornado?

A cone-shaped tornado is simple a tornado whose funnel is cone-shaped. Tornado funnels may also appear rope-like, column-like, or appear wispy. The shape and size of a tornado do not necessarily indicate how strong the tornado is.

What are the names to all the tornado?

tornadoes are not like hurricanes they dont get named they only get named by the place where the tornado touch down like for example the hallam nebraska tornado or the tri state tornado

What is a difference between a tornado drill and a tornado warning?

A tornado drill is like a fire drill but for tornadoes: practice for the possibility of a tornado. A tornado warning means that a tornado has been detected or is likely to form soon.