Generally, full time employees are those that work at least 40 hours per week. In Pennsylvania, in a medical setting, you can be considered full time at 32 or more hours per week (or at least are eligible to receive benefits).
Employers can state the amount of hours that workers must complete in order to qualify as a full time employee in Pennsylvania. However, the workers must agree to the hours.
Gross Margin per full-time equivalent employee is measured as Gross Margin/number of full time equivalent employees. Gross Margin is revenue minus cost of goods sold. A full time equivalent employee is typically number of hours worked per week/40. If you have 2 part time employees who work 20 hours each per week, then you'd have 1 full time equivalent employee.
Yes they can. If it negatively impacts the employee's performance at their Full Time position, they can be disciplined or let go.
Nothing in the law of any state dictates when an employee is full time and when s/he is part time. An employee is full time when the employer (and/or their insurance carrier) says they are.
Probation on a job merely means that an employee is being evaluated and trained for the full time work he was hired for. It is full-time until or unless he is let go for not being a good fit. By definition, a temporary job is one that lasts for a short period of time.
Yes, I'm doing that now.
Around 38,000 Dollars for a Full time Employee Around 38,000 Dollars for a Full time Employee
Yes, you may be eligible due to reduced hours according to the section "Part Time Employment" in the Related Link below.
FTE- Full time employee
A casual worker is an employee who get less than full or part time status. It would be considered an occasional or temporary employee.
In most cases, a part-time employee cannot be forced to work full-time hours without their consent. Employers are generally required to abide by the terms of the employee's part-time contract. If the employer wants to make a change to the employee's working hours, they should discuss it with the employee and come to a mutual agreement.