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What page is a simile on in the book Chasing Vermeer?

whati s the awser i need it

How old is Vermeer?

If you google Vermeer one of the first hits is wikipedia's page. His birth and death dates are in the first line.

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You can get to the code in the source code. It is present at the right click of the browser page.

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The airport code for Page Field is FMY.

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The allusion to "Chasing Lincoln's Killer" is found on page 20 of the book "The Devil in the White City" by Erik Larson. It references the historical event of Abraham Lincoln's assassination and the subsequent hunt for his murderer, John Wilkes Booth.

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In viewing a web page, a code view is the raw HTML code instead of the resulting web page.

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The airport code for Page Municipal Airport is PGA.

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If you mean the source code you can right click a page and click view source code. That will show you Facebook's code for that page.

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You are probably referring to the source code of the page. So it's just the source-code of a webpage.

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its a code you can get from their twitter page