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Q: What is she like as a person-their personality-and what are their leadership qualities?
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What were JFK's leadership qualities?

he showed leadership qualities like dedication,vision and integrity

How am I qualified as a leader?

You can say your leadership qualities like you are a team leader, you can meet your sales goals and that you inspire others. You can also say your leadership experience.

What is the symbol for leadership?

The symbol for leadership was the Flail and Crook which were the symbols of the pharaoh.

What did Ronald Reagan do that showed he had leadership qualities and made him qualified to be president?

Nothing really. He was an actor and then a president. Sort of like Arnold Schwarzenegger.

What is your name mean Michael?

The name Michael is of Hebrew origin and means "who is like God." It is a common name that is often associated with qualities like strength, leadership, and protection.

What is the meaning of the name azlan?

Azlan is a name of Turkish origin that means "lion" or "lion-like." It is often associated with qualities such as strength, courage, and leadership.

What is a 'charismatic administrative system'?

It has something to do with the personality and leadership qualities of an individual. It involves in creating a self-image. You usually see this to some politicians who would like to gather a number of followers.

What qualities you posses to be a bank PO?

Probationary officer must posses certain qualities like : He/She should be patient enough to deal with the situations. He/She should be friendly to all the subordinates. should posses a good communication skill. And the most important He/She should have management and leadership skills...

What is the different between leader and leadreship?

The difference between a leader and leadership lies in their definitions and roles: Leader: A leader refers to an individual who holds a position of influence within a group or organization. This person guides, directs, and motivates others towards a common goal. Leadership is a role or position that someone holds within a group or organization. Leadership is often associated with traits like decisiveness, vision, charisma, and the ability to inspire and guide others. However, being in a leadership position doesn't automatically make someone an effective leader. Leadership: Leadership, on the other hand, is the broader concept that encompasses the actions, skills, and qualities of effective leadership. It's not just about the person in charge but also about the methods, strategies, and behaviors employed to guide and influence others effectively. Effective leadership involves not only the abilities of the leader but also the capacity to inspire, motivate, delegate, communicate, and empower others within the group or organization. In summary, a leader is the individual in a position of authority or influence, while leadership encompasses the broader set of skills, behaviors, and strategies used by a leader to guide, inspire, and manage a group toward a common goal.

Does the definition of leadership vary just like leadership styles do?


When did Amelie Earhart have noble qualities?

Kind of odd question. -You make it sound like Amelia suddenly developed "noble qualities".I believe Amelia was always a kind and considerate person even in childhood. She was a friend and a leader to her younger sister and showed leadership and independence in schools. Later in life she was very determined to be independent and to do things that were unusual for women in her day.However I would not use the term "noble qualities".

What is meant by leadership skills?

Leadership skills encompass a set of abilities that enable an individual to guide, motivate, and influence others effectively. These skills go beyond mere authority, emphasizing qualities like communication, decision-making, and emotional intelligence. A proficient leader demonstrates the capacity to inspire and unify a team towards common goals, navigate challenges with resilience, and foster innovation. Strong leadership involves strategic thinking, adaptability, and the ability to empower others. In essence, leadership skills are the amalgamation of qualities and competencies that facilitate a person's capacity to lead, inspire confidence, and drive positive change within a group or organization.