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Sexual Harassment actually doesn't involve someone touching your sexual organs(breasts, vagina penis). Well it involves that and more! Much more!!! If someone touches anywhere on your body that makes you feel uncomfortable that is called sexual harassment It can be your shoulder, arm, leg, anywhere.

But, if someone sexually touches you and you enjoy it that's more like flirting. Not sexual harassment The definition of sexual harassment is: unwanted sex-related behaviortoward somebody, e.g. touching somebody or making suggestive remarks, especially by somebody with authority toward a subordinate. I bolded those words for a reason. Sexual Harassment is UNWANTED to you. Here's the definition of flirting: a short playful interaction based on lighthearted feeling, especially one that suggests sexual interest. Now those words were bolded for a reason too. DO NOT ignore those words! Sexual Harassment and flirting is two very different things. Sexual Harassment is unwanted sexual behavior to someone(victim). Flirting is wanted sexual behavior that is short and too the point.

Sexual Harassment also has to deal with your body. Not just someones touching you or saying sexual things. If they say "Hey your fat!" or "You're so hot!" that is sexual harassment because it's talking about your body. Calling someone gay, lesbian, bisexual, or straight is sexual harassment Or calling someone a slut. All of the nasty words that have to deal with your body and makes you feel uncomfortable is sexual harassment

Here are some Sexual Harassment symptoms. Please remember the definition of Sexual Harassment

  • sexual teasing, jokes, remarks or gestures
  • pressure for dates
  • letters, phone calls, or material of a sexual nature
  • sexually suggestive looks or gestures
  • deliberate touching, brushes up against, leaning over, cornering, or pinching
  • pressure for sexual favors
  • actual or attempted rape or sexual assault
  • mooning or flashing
  • being the victim of sexual rumors
  • having ones clothing pulled in a sexual way
  • being shown, given, or left unwanted pictures or notes
  • being forced to kiss someone
  • having ones clothes pulled off or down
  • being spied on while one dressed or showered at school

Some victims of sexual harassment feel:

  • they blame themselves
  • they feel helpless, hopeless, and/or powerless
  • they don't know how to report the harassment
  • they think that their complaint won't be taken seriously
  • they don't trust their own perceptions of what happened -- maybe they "misunderstood"
  • they don't want to "rock the boat"
  • they are afraid of the harasser or others (such as the harasser's friends or family
  • they don't trust "the system"
  • they don't think their school/workplace will support them if they report the harassment
  • they don't think their friends will support them
  • they feel embarrassed
  • they don't think that reporting will make any difference; they don't believe that anything will be done about they harassment or the harasser
  • they don't want to get the harasser into trouble
  • they are prevented or blocked by sex role stereotyping
  • they are prevented or blocked by victim behavior

How to stop the sexual harassment

If you are being sexual harassed by male/female(mostly the females get sexual harassed Sorry boys but its true) its best to try to stay away from that person who's harassing you.

If that doesn't work, say a good and firm "NO! STOP!"That will get the harasser's attention that you don't like it and he/she/they will leave you along. But sometimes, the person harassing you think that their flirting with you. But until you say no or stop in a firm voice their more then likely to stop.

If that doesn't work tell an adult or a friend. Or the COPS! Sexual Harassment eseptically if their touching your sexual organs is illegal. It's called rape. Definition of rape: the crime of using force somebody to have sexual intercourse with somebody. Believe it or not rape is part of sexual harassment because that person has to do something sexual to you to rape you. So if you ever got touched on your sexual organs call the cops and describe what the person looks like; who knows. He might sexual harass/rape someone else.

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Basically it's anything that makes someone "uncomfortable" at work. It could be a joke, a picture, a jesture, etc. And it's taken very seriously by HR and personnel departments!

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yes, especailly if you didnt want him to

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It depends what kind it is you can file a sexual harassment with your boss or if you goto school the principle or even have a talk with this person and try to stop it yourself