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the principle of tablet compression machine is based on hydrollic principle

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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Q: What is principle of tablet compression machine?
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How an AWC works in tablet compression machine?

The AWC works in tablet compression machine based on the hydraulic principle.

Hydraulic pressure on tablet compression machine but in result gain hardness on tablet how the pressure is converted into hardness unit?

In the tablet compression machine main principle is compressing the upper & lower puch in a die hole . the hydraulic pressure plays a key role if we increase the hydra. pressue more compressing force on tablet then it becomes more hard.

Why single rotary and double rotary tablet compression machine have even and odd different station?

I dont know really

Why odd no of stations in double rotary compression machine?

An odd number of stations in a double rotary compression machine helps to ensure a balanced and symmetrical filling process, which leads to more uniform tablet weights and better tablet quality. This setup reduces the possibility of issues such as capping and weight variation in the tablets.

What should be the temperature and humidity for the tablet compression?

20 to 30 C.

What is the use dry compression method for tablet?

by using the dry compression method for tablets to avoid the moisture present in the tablets

What is a compression machine?

The Compression Testing Machine incorporates design features to enables high accuracy testing with economy, speed and versatility.

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How can you increase tablet hardness without changing formulation?

Increasing tablet hardness without changing the formulation can be achieved by adjusting the compression force during tablet manufacturing. By increasing the compression force, the particles in the formulation will be more tightly packed together, resulting in harder tablets. Alternatively, using a smaller tablet punch size can also increase tablet hardness without altering the formulation.

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he invented the compression ice machine in 1866