1. A sign or notice for display in a public place.
2. A small card or plaque, such as a nameplate on a door.
tr.v., -ard·ed, -ard·ing, -ards.
1. To announce or advertise by means of placards.
2. To post placards on or in.
3. To display as a placard.
The word placard (noun meaning a sign, a notice, an advertisement) has no direct antonym; the closest would be 'without placard' or 'placard-less'.
The placard on the wall displayed the museum's latest exhibition information.
In French, "placard" is masculine.
the placard have been posted everywhere.
placard means a poster for public display. Example: there was no placard outside.
Le placard (masc.) means the cupboard in English.
The DOT hazard classification system can be used to identify acute hazards.
dans mon placard means 'in my cupboard' in English.
It is a DOT hazardous materials placard indicating compressed oxygen.
You should place or install a placard along your truck, on the sides, or the front.
The cast of Mon placard - 1998 includes: Barbara Tissier