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Organization buying is the decision-making process by which formal organizations establish the need for purchased products and services and identify, evaluate, and choose among alternative brands and suppliers.

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9y ago

Organisational buying is verysimilar to individual buyer behaviour with some contextual differences organisations buy infurerance of organistional objectives such as to manufacture and deliver goods and services to members customers or the community.

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Q: What is organisational buying behaviour?
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Individual consumer buying behaviour has to do with all the processes undertaken by the various individual buyers in evaluating and making decisions towards purchasing a product for self- ocnsumption, family use or as a gift to other parties where as organisational buying behaviour has to do with the processes undertaken by a business in evaluatig and making decisions geared towards purchasing prodcuts or raw materials for further prodcution, to be sold to consumers for profit.

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What is the three levels organisational behaviore?

i think organisatoinal helps managent deals well with the different bevours of it's managers in decision making. B organizational behaviour is the study of human behaviour within an organization by applying certain knowledge , theories & researches.Management explains the method to control nd influence the behaviour of employees c organizational behaviour investigates the impact that indiviuals, groups and systems has on behaviour within organisations, it is basically for improving organisation's effectiveness. organisational behaviour tells us how important it is to help an individual to work in a group to bring ethical behaviour in the is very important for management to know as organisational productivity depends upon three levels- individual,group,organisational.

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What are the goals of organizational behavior?

orgasigation behaviour is the study of individual and groups behaviour within organisation and interaction between the organisational member and their external environment. to know the behaviour of the individual and groups within the organisation. to the human behaviour.

What is ment by an organisational culture?

Organisation culture mean behaviour of the organisation i.e., individual behaviour within the organisation. Organisation in this universe is different from others in its culture.

Are People leadership and Operant conditioning aspects of organisational behaviour?

yes people in leadership are bases of organisations

Which discipline uses principles and assumptions of psychology to study and influence human behaviour in the workplace?

Industrial & Organisational psychology

How organisational behaviour help us to influence to help of the organisational events?

In the organisational events we always remember that how to communicate to each other & also stay contact with each other ,how to behave each other. It helps us to improve the communication , maneging country increase dission.