Your country of residence is where you have been normally resident for the last three years and where you consider to be 'home'. If you have been in Another Country for purposes of education or short-term employment this will not change your country of residence. Your country of residence is where you have been normally resident for the last three years and where you consider to be 'home'. If you have been in another country for purposes of education or short-term employment this will not change your country of residence
If you mean villa, it is a country residence or estate.
The 'country of domicile' is the country of permanent, legal residence.
circuit residence
The 'country of domicile' is usually your country of birth. It is possible to change your country of domicile to your country of permanent residence by severing all ties with your country of birth and stating that you have no intention of returning to your birth country.
halls of residence student flat
residence of a house cause you live there
Elite Residence is a building found at Dubai in UAE.
As I understand it, it means that the country which gave you your immigration document (temporary residence - tourist, student etc...) has discovered that you acquired it illegitimately (by lying or presenting false documents), or that they have found out you breached the terms of the immigration document which you are in possession of (Overstayed the validity of the visa).
A domestic student is a student who is a citizen or a resident of the country where they are studying. For example, in the United States, a domestic student would be someone who is a citizen or a permanent resident of the United States.
It is qualitative.
a country residence or estate.