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The Mac, or Macintosh, is a computer developed by Apple, Inc., formerly Apple Computers, Inc. Unlike many computer companies, Apple's Mac systems run their own operating system: Mac OS X. Mac OS X is where most of the differences are between Macs and PC's.

Mac OS X has a lot of great technologies, is fast, reliable, and doesn't get viruses nearly as often as a PC running Windows does. (For example, many Mac-related viruses are the fault of the end-user, usually from pirating software. You almost have to TRY to get a virus on a mac.) The new operating system being released in a few days, Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard, is supposedly worlds faster, much more stable, and has a few new features.

As a Mac user (used to be a PC user, mind you), I highly recommend purchasing a Mac. They are worth the extra cash, regardless of what anybody says. However, be sure the applications you usually use are compatible with Mac!

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