average level
Considered level 4 is average for someone in year 6 and level 5/6 is average for someone in year 9 I would say 4C-5B level 7 is above average.
His reading level was average.
AVERAGE STOCK LEVEL:the stock level indicates the average stock held by the concern.it is calculated with the help of following formula.average stock level=minimumstocklevel+1/2(reorderingquantity)
Yes, level 5 is good for a year 6. Here is a simple table to show you the expectations of a child: Level W Working towards level 1, very weak Level 1 Average for a typical 5 year old Level 2 Average for a typical 7 year old Level 3 Average for a typical 9 year old Level 4 Average for a typical 11 year old Level 5 Average for a typical 13 year old Level 6 Average for a typical 14 year old Level 7 Above average for typical 14 yr old Level 8 Only available in maths Hope this helps :) http://www.satsguide.co.uk/what_are_sats.htm
A high level 4 or low level 5.
Florida's mean (average) elevation is 98 feet above sea level.
The average level which teachers hope for is a level 4/level 5, any level higher than this (level 6) is fantastic and means your child is doing well in English.
Between 1600 and 1700 m above sea level average.
When the water of the ocean is at a higher level than its average, this is referred to as sea level rise.