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An octarchy is a government system ruled by eight rather than one.

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Q: What is an octarchy?
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IS Great Britain ruled by octarchy?

No Great Britain is not an octarchy because it is ruled by a king and queen. An octarchy has t be ruled by 8 rulers or else it is not an octarchy. Hope this helps!

Is Great Britain ruled by an octarchy?

No, it is a monarchy, meaning a rule by one. But it is a parliamentary democracy as well, as the queen or king does not exercise absolute power. An "octarchy" would mean a rule by eight people, not one.

What is octarchy?

a governmental body run by eight people; also, an alliance of eight states or governments

Do you think that perhaps a country ruled by an octarchy would make fewer serious mistakes in its foreign policy than one ruled by a monarchy?

A few things: "octarchy" is not a proper word, it blends a latin number with a greek word. Might I suggest "Octumvirate" instead?Anyways, I doubt there would be any real advantage, in foreign policy or elsewhere.

What are some eight letter words with 1st letter O and 2nd letter C and 4th letter A and 8th letter Y?

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 2 words with the pattern OC-A---Y. That is, eight letter words with 1st letter O and 2nd letter C and 4th letter A and 8th letter Y. In alphabetical order, they are: octapody octarchy

What are some eight letter words with 1st letter O and 3rd letter T and 6th letter C and 7th letter H?

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 1 words with the pattern O-T--CH-. That is, eight letter words with 1st letter O and 3rd letter T and 6th letter C and 7th letter H. In alphabetical order, they are: octarchy

What are some eight letter words with 1st letter O and 5th letter R and 6th letter C and 8th letter Y?

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 1 words with the pattern O---RC-Y. That is, eight letter words with 1st letter O and 5th letter R and 6th letter C and 8th letter Y. In alphabetical order, they are: octarchy

What are some eight letter words with 2nd letter C and 6th letter C and 7th letter H and 8th letter Y?

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 4 words with the pattern -C---CHY. That is, eight letter words with 2nd letter C and 6th letter C and 7th letter H and 8th letter Y. In alphabetical order, they are: octarchy scratchy screechy scrunchy

What are some eight letter words with 3rd letter T and 7th letter H?

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 21 words with the pattern --T---H-. That is, eight letter words with 3rd letter T and 7th letter H. In alphabetical order, they are: autarchs autarchy autobahn betroths catarrhs catfight eutrophy hutzpahs ketubahs mitsvahs mitzvahs octarchy outfight outnight outright outsight pitarahs potlache retaught untaught untruths

What words are derivatives from the latin word septem?

Some words with the prefix octa- are octagon, octahedron, octaves, octane, and octarchy. The prefix has the meaning of eight. For example, an octagon is an eight-sided polygon, and an octarchy is a government run by eight people.

What are some eight letter words with 6th letter C and 8th letter Y?

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 56 words with the pattern -----C-Y. That is, eight letter words with 6th letter C and 8th letter Y. In alphabetical order, they are: autarchy bullocky canticoy catchcry cleruchy craunchy cyclicly diadochy diddicoy dinarchy endarchy finnicky frolicky garlicky gimmicky gynarchy hassocky headachy hecticly heroicly hexarchy hillocky holarchy hummocky monarchy mullocky mysticly naumachy navarchy nitpicky nomarchy octarchy peacocky physicky picnicky publicly rollicky rusticly schlocky scratchy screechy scrunchy spinachy splotchy squelchy staticky stomachy stretchy synarchy thearchy toparchy triarchy tussocky uncatchy unchicly watchcry

What is a 8 letter word beginning with the letter O?

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omitting, omniarch, omniform, omnimode, omnivora, omnivore, omophagy, omphalos, onanisms, onanists, oncidium, oncogene, oncology, oncoming, ondogram, oneriest, onloaded, onlooker, onrushes, onscreen, ontogeny, ontology, oogamete, oogamies, oogamous, oogenies, oogonial, oogonium, oolachan, oologies, oologist, oomiacks, oompahed, oophytes, oophytic, oosperms, oosphere, oospores, oosporic, oothecae, oothecal, ooziness, opalesce, opalines, opaquely, opaquest, opaquing, openable, openings, openness, openwork, operable, operably, operands, operants, operated, operates, operatic, operator, opercele, opercula, opercule, operetta, ophidian, opiating, opinions, opiumism, opossums, oppidans, oppilant, oppilate, opponent, opposers, opposing, opposite, oppugned, oppugner, opsonify, opsonins, opsonize, optative, optician, opticist, optimise, optimism, optimist, optimize, optimums, optional, optioned, optionee, opulence, opulency, opuntias, opuscula, opuscule, oquassas, oracular, oralisms, oralists, 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otiosity, otitides, otitises, otocysts, otoliths, otoscope, otoscopy, ototoxic, ottomans, ouabains, oughting, ouguiyas, ouistiti, outacted, outadded, outargue, outasked, outbacks, outbaked, outbakes, outbarks, outbawls, outbeams, outbitch, outblaze, outbleat, outbless, outbloom, outbluff, outblush, outboard, outboast, outbound, outboxed, outboxes, outbrags, outbrave, outbrawl, outbreak, outbreed, outbribe, outbuild, outbuilt, outbulge, outbulks, outbully, outburns, outburnt, outburst, outcalls, outcaper, outcaste, outcasts, outcatch, outcavil, outcharm, outcheat, outchide, outclass, outclimb, outclomb, outcoach, outcomes, outcooks, outcount, outcrawl, outcried, outcries, outcrops, outcross, outcrowd, outcrows, outcurse, outcurve, outdance, outdared, outdares, outdated, outdates, outdodge, outdoers, outdoing, outdoors, outdrags, outdrank, outdrawn, outdraws, outdream, outdress, outdrink, outdrive, outdrops, outdrove, outdrunk, outduels, outearns, outeaten, outfable, outfaced, outfaces, outfalls, outfasts, outfawns, outfeast, outfeels, outfence, outfield, outfight, outfinds, outfired, outfires, outflank, outflies, outfloat, outflown, outflows, outfools, outfoots, outfound, outfoxed, outfoxes, outfrown, outgains, outgazed, outgazes, outgiven, outgives, outglare, outgleam, outglows, outgnawn, outgnaws, outgoing, outgrins, outgross, outgroup, outgrown, outgrows, outguess, outguide, outhauls, outheard, outhears, outhomer, outhouse, outhowls, outhumor, outhunts, outjumps, outkeeps, outkicks, outkills, outlands, outlasts, outlaugh, outlawed, outlawry, outleads, outleaps, outleapt, outlearn, outliers, outlined, outliner, outlines, outlived, outliver, outlives, outlooks, outloved, outloves, outlying, outmarch, outmatch, outmoded, outmodes, outmoved, outmoves, outpaced, outpaces, outpaint, outpitch, outplace, outplans, outplays, outplods, outplots, outpoint, outpolls, outports, outposts, outpours, outprays, outpreen, outpress, outprice, outpulls, outpunch, outpupil, outquote, outraced, outraces, outraged, outrages, outraise, outrance, outrange, outranks, outrated, outrates, outraved, outraves, outreach, outreads, outrider, outrides, outright, outrings, outrival, outroars, outrocks, outrolls, outroots, outrowed, outsails, outsavor, outscold, outscoop, outscore, outscorn, outsells, outserts, outserve, outshame, outshine, outshone, outshoot, outshout, outsider, outsides, outsight, outsings, outsized, outsizes, outskate, outskirt, outsleep, outslept, outsmart, outsmell, outsmelt, outsmile, outsmoke, outsnore, outsoars, outsoles, outspans, outspeak, outspeed, outspell, outspelt, outspend, outspent, outspoke, outstand, outstare, outstart, outstate, outstays, outsteer, outstood, outstrip, outstudy, outstunt, outsulks, outsware, outswear, outsweep, outswept, outswims, outswing, outswore, outsworn, outswung, outtakes, outtalks, outtasks, outtells, outthank, outthink, outthrew, outthrob, outthrow, outtower, outtrade, outtrick, outtrots, outtrump, outturns, outvalue, outvaunt, outvoice, outvoted, outvotes, outvying, outwaits, outwalks, outwards, outwaste, outwatch, outwears, outweary, outweeps, outweigh, outwhirl, outwiled, outwiles, outwills, outwinds, outworks, outwrite, outwrote, outyells, outyelps, outyield, ovalness, ovariole, ovaritis, ovations, ovenbird, ovenlike, ovenware, overable, overacts, overages, overalls, overarch, overarms, overawed, overawes, overbake, overbear, overbeat, overbets, overbids, overbill, overbite, overblew, overblow, overboil, overbold, overbook, overbore, overborn, overbred, overburn, overbusy, overbuys, overcall, overcame, overcast, overcoat, overcold, overcome, overcook, overcool, overcram, overcrop, overcure, overdare, overdear, overdeck, overdoer, overdoes, overdone, overdose, overdraw, overdrew, overdubs, overdyed, overdyer, overdyes, overeasy, overeats, overedit, overfast, overfear, overfeed, overfill, overfish, overflew, overflow, overfond, overfoul, overfree, overfull, overfund, overgild, overgilt, overgird, overgirt, overglad, overgoad, overgrew, overgrow, overhand, overhang, overhard, overhate, overhaul, overhead, overheap, overhear, overheat, overheld, overhigh, overhold, overholy, overhope, overhung, overhunt, overhype, overidle, overjoys, overjust, overkeen, overkill, overkind, overlade, overlaid, overlain, overland, overlaps, overlate, overlays, overleaf, overleap, overlend, overlent, overlets, overlewd, overlies, overlive, overload, overlong, overlook, overlord, overloud, overlove, overlush, overmans, overmany, overmeek, overmelt, overmild, overmilk, overmine, overmuch, overnear, overneat, overnice, overpack, overpaid, overpass, overpast, overpays, overpert, overplan, overplay, overplot, overplus, overpump, overrank, overrash, overrate, overrich, override, overrife, overripe, overrode, overrude, overruff, overrule, overruns, oversale, oversalt, oversave, overseas, overseed, overseen, overseer, oversees, oversell, oversets, oversewn, oversews, overshoe, overshot, oversick, overside, oversize, overslip, overslow, oversoak, oversoft, oversold, oversoon, oversoul, overspin, overstay, overstep, overstir, oversuds, oversups, oversure, overtake, overtalk, overtame, overtart, overtask, overthin, overtime, overtips, overtire, overtoil, overtone, overtook, overtops, overtrim, overture, overturn, overurge, overused, overuses, overview, overvote, overwarm, overwary, overweak, overwear, overween, overwets, overwide, overwily, overwind, overwise, overword, overwore, overwork, overworn, overzeal, ovicidal, ovicides, oviducal, oviducts, oviposit, ovoidals, ovulated, ovulates, owlishly, oxalated, oxalates, oxalises, oxazepam, oxazines, oxbloods, oxhearts, oxidable, oxidants, oxidases, oxidasic, oxidated, oxidates, oxidised, oxidiser, oxidises, oxidized, oxidizer, oxidizes, oximeter, oximetry, oxpecker, oxtongue, oxyacids, oxygenic, oxymoron, oxyphile, oxyphils, oxysalts, oxysomes, oxytocic, oxytocin, oxytones, oystered, oysterer, ozonides, ozonised, ozonises, ozonized, ozonizer, ozonizes1001 words found.