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Q: What is a proper response when asked what type of job you would like?
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What is a proper response when asked what type of job you like?

That depends on what type of job you actually do like. If it is an interview, the answer might be in line with the kind of job you are applying for and the kind of work involved.

What is a probable response when your asked whats up?

"What's up?", like "How are you?", is meant as a greeting and not a question. A decent response would be "Not much, what's up with you?" or "Pretty good, how about you?" or something benign like that.

Do you like your university?

If you are asked if you like your university, you should be honest. You should support your response with the relevant information and valid reasons.

What do you do if a guy asks you out and he was the first guy that ever asked you out?

well first decide if you like to depend on how you opinion

What would it be like if Draco asked Hermione out?

It would be very awkward.

Does a guy like you when he asked you do you miss him?

As a guy myself, I would say yes, if he asked you if you miss him.

I play guitar and my friend plays drums.He is such a skilled drummer that I said one day he could be my drummer and he responded with or you can be my guitarist. What does this mean?

You should not have said "You can be my drummer", that was belittling the drummer, you should have asked him "would you like to be the drummer", or somewhere along them lines, it was a good response by the drummer saying that, now you know what it must have been like for him when you asked him that question! or it would not be playing on your mind as to ask the question on here.

What does tavien mean in English?

if it's spanish, allow me to make a correction. The proper phrase, and it looks like the response to HOW IS HE?, HE IS WELL, is ESTA BIEN.

What would you like to put in a project evaluation?

he asked me what will I like to put in project evaluation

What does it mean if the guy you like is asked if you and he says why would I at lunch?

He clearly doesn't like you

Is the sentence Teacher asked Nicole and you to bring the books a grammatically correct sentence?

Yes, it is grammatically correct. However, my preference is to say "The teacher" rather than using only "Teacher", which uses "Teacher" the way you would use a proper name, like "James". So I would say, "The teacher asked Nicole and you to bring the books." It is also correct to say, "The teacher asked you and Nicole to bring the books."

What is the proper order I also would like or I would also like?

Both are fine. 'I would also like' is more commonly used.