

What is a legislater?

Updated: 12/14/2022
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13y ago

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persons who make or amend or repeal laws

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Q: What is a legislater?
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What does the word legislater mean?

A lawmaker or lawgiver

Where was Abraham Lincoln a state legislater?

Illinois .

How do you spell legislater?

The correct spelling is "legislator" (lawmaker).

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an elected legislater in London that rules all of great Britain.

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Its the state of Nebraska

What does the prefix legis mean?

The prefix "legis" means related to laws or legislation. It generally indicates something to do with legal matters or regulations.

What did Roger Sherman do in the constitution?

He proposed that there be two houses in our legislative branch (bicameral). The first is the house, representatives of the states in this brach are based on population. The second is the senate, each state gets only one representative. He proposed this because there was a conflict between the large states and the small states so that they each had equal say in the government.

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1. chief of state 2. chief executive 3. chief administrator 4. chief diplomat 5. commander in chief 6. chief legislator 7. chief of party 8. chief citizen

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Yes The Branches do have equal power because our founding fathers didn't want any of the branches to become more powerful than the others so they have equal powers, called separation of powers. Each with its own ability according to the Constitution.