Unemployment is high.
I went to the unemployment office.
Example sentence - He did not qualify for unemployment compensation because he has never been employed.
i went to the unemployment office seeking a job
The unemployment rate in the United States has gone up.
Here are some sentences.His unemployment check was late.Unemployment is down in our country.
no you may not apply for unemployment online you have to go to the nearest unemployment office and apply in person.
Our regional measures have had a significant impact on unemployment.
The state of Kansas has unemployment extension in place after three months of the state reaching unemployment of 6.5 percent. If an extension is granted it is good for 13 months.
Unlikely. You will need to make a good case to the unemployment department.
There has always been unemployment in Australia. However with unemployment benefits it is a lot easier these days. also it's because everyone was buying fosters. good call ;)