Layoff referral deadline is talking about when a company has a layoff who can be rehired. You have to contact your local human resources to get information on your rehire ability.
Layoff is a noun and so doesn't have a past tense. Only verbs have past tenses.
"Layoff" is typically written as one word.
A deadline can be changed, but a priority deadline cannot.
Benson - 1979 The Layoff 1-6 was released on: USA: 25 October 1979
The application deadline for the program with a rolling deadline is ongoing, meaning there is no specific deadline and applications are accepted throughout the year.
No work, no money that is what layoffs do.
Deadlines is the plural of deadline
Referral Name
The correct spelling is referral (job recommendation, or medical submission).
A referral ID is a code that records the referral you generate so you can set compensated for it. It is you member's ID for the community or program. Some referral ID are generated by your user name selected at sign up or by a number. You referral ID should be emberded in your referral URL and all your banners and referral tools.