A material in Class 4 Division 3, more properly called Division 4.3, is a Dangerous When Wet material.
Class 4 division 3 (more properly called Division 4.3) is a Dangerous When Wet Material.
Class 4 division 3 (more properly called Division 4.3) is a Dangerous When Wet Material.
Class 4 division 1 (more properly called Division 4.1) is for flammable solids.
Explosives that have no explosive hazard are not explosives. Materials that have a fire hazard but no explosive hazard are Class 2 if they are gasses, class 3 if they are liquids, and class 4 if they are solids.
DOT Class 3 is for flammable liquids, but there is no subdivision of the class so there is no division 3 for this class.
There is no Class 3 Division 2; Class three has no subdivisions.
Class 4 Division 1 (more properly called Division 4.1) is for flammable solids.
Class 4 division 1 (more properly called Division 4.1) is for flammable solids.
Class 4 Division 2, more often called Division 4.2, is for spontaneously combustible materials
Class 4 Division 2, more often called Division 4.2, is for spontaneously combustible materials
Class 1 Division 3 explosive
flammable solid