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Height reached = 3.7 metres.The mass of the ball is not really relevant.

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Q: What height is reached by a 4.0kg ball that is thrown vertically up into the air with an initial velocity of 8.5ms1 if by the time it is height (h) metres above the starting point it has a velocity of?
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What relationship exists between the initial velocity and the maximum height reached by an object thrown upward?

Ignoring air resistance, I get this formula:Maximum height of a vertically-launched object = 1.5 square of initial speed/GI could be wrong. In that case, the unused portion of my fee will be cheerfully refunded.

What is A football kicked off at an angle 20 from the ground reaches a maximum height of 4.7 m What is the initial velocity of the kick?

To find the initial velocity of the kick, you can use the equation for projectile motion. The maximum height reached by the football is related to the initial vertical velocity component. By using trigonometric functions, you can determine the initial vertical velocity component and then calculate the initial velocity of the kick.

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The maximum height attained by the body can be calculated using the formula: height = (initial velocity)^2 / (2 * acceleration due to gravity). Since the velocity is reduced to half in one second, we can calculate the initial velocity using the fact that the acceleration due to gravity is -9.81 m/s^2. Then, we can plug this initial velocity into the formula to find the maximum height reached.

What height is reached when 4.0kg ball is thrown vertically up into the air with an initial velocity of 8.5ms1. By the time it is height h metres above the starting point it has a velocity of 3.0ms1 a?

To find the height h, we can use the equation of motion: v^2 = u^2 + 2as, where v = final velocity, u = initial velocity, a = acceleration (in this case, acceleration due to gravity -9.81 m/s^2), and s = displacement. Plugging in the values: 3^2 = 8.5^2 - 2 * 9.81 * h, we can solve for h. This calculation gives h ≈ 4.9 meters.

A boy kicks a ball vertically upwards with an initial velocity of 12m/s. Calculate the time taken by the ball to reach the maximum hight and the maximum, height reached by the ball?

The time taken by the ball to reach the maximum height is 1 second. The maximum height reached by the ball is 36 meters.

The v is the same as the ending velocity when the object starts from?

The starting point is reached. This is based on the principle of the conservation of energy, where the initial kinetic energy of the object is equal to its final potential energy.

Is a projectile velocity the highest velocity that can be reached?

No, a projectile velocity is the initial velocity at which a projectile is launched. The highest velocity a projectile can reach depends on factors such as air resistance, gravity, and propulsion force. In some cases, the velocity of a projectile can increase or decrease after it is launched.

How can you measure when an object has reached terminal velocity?

Terminal velocity is reached when the forces of gravity and air resistance acting on an object are equal, causing the object to no longer accelerate. To measure when an object has reached terminal velocity, you can observe that the object falls at a constant speed without speeding up. This can be done by measuring the object's velocity as it falls and noting when it remains constant.

A body thrown in the vertically upward direction rises up to a height and comes back to the position of its start?

The body will continue to rise until the force of gravity acting against its motion brings it to a stop before it falls back down to its starting position due to gravity pulling it back down. The total time of flight and maximum height reached depend on the initial velocity of the body and the acceleration due to gravity.

An arrow shot straight up into the air reached height of 75m with what velocity did it leave the bw how long was the arrow in the air?

To find the initial velocity of the arrow, you can use the equation Vf^2 = Vi^2 + 2gh, where Vf is the final velocity (0 m/s at the top of the flight), Vi is the initial velocity, g is the acceleration due to gravity, and h is the height reached (75m). Solve for Vi to get the initial velocity. To find the time the arrow was in the air, you can use the equation h = Vit - 0.5g*t^2, where t is the time in the air. Plug in the known values to solve for t.

A girl threw a ball upward with an initial velocity of 2000cm/sec and was able to catch it before it reached the ground on its return.C.) how far was the maximum height from starting point?

algebra 2 right? i hated that unit man i forgot everything we learned in that class

What is velocity at starting point when it tries to attain terminal velocity?

The velocity at the starting point when an object tries to attain terminal velocity is zero. As the object falls, it accelerates due to gravity until air resistance builds up to match the force of gravity, resulting in a constant terminal velocity being reached.