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Drama, and many others, including;

RE (because you need this grade to work with any child)

English, Maths, Science (as you need these grades to get into college and university, as this allows you to become a teacher).

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12y ago
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13y ago


Well im asuming you need Drama-obviously. your probably going to need a GCSE in English.

I think that's about it. Things such as; Dance. Would help, but again that's if you want to pick dance.

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13y ago

I recommend you choose Drama, Dance, Art and PE. If you do well in these subjects then its a more likely chance you will move on in life to study at a university or college. If you complete your university/college experiences and you have been well trained to professionally perform then your university/college will contact a acting agency and if the agency wants to take aboard, you will start appearing on screen such as EastEnders,

hollyoaks, Waterloo road etc.

But remember be prepared to be rejected. not every university accepts all students same goes for the agency.

Good luck!

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11y ago

Well what i recommend is: Media Studies, English, Maths, Double/triple award science (as long as you have some science.) History or classical civilizations, Drama if you can though its not essential just useful, Art can help sometimes, and ICT would come in very useful in almost any careers.

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15y ago

take drama and maybe dance it might get you an actress career when you do drama they take you to theatres and maybe theres a agent there and sign you. Good Luck

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13y ago

You need a drama GCSE for a good base to get into acting. If you don't have that, then it will be harder to become an actor.

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13y ago

you need gcse drama at least and gcse English (language), gcse dance or music help too but 2 gcses in performing arts and gcse English is what they really think of as basic and important

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