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career goals must

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Q: What focuses on maximizing leader strength minimize weakness and achieving individual leader development goals?
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In linear programing can both maximisation and minimization be the objective function of a problem?

I am pretty sure that the answer is "yes", though quite often, what is desired is a maximization (for example, to maximize profits). Since any minimization function can easily be converted into a maximization function, I see no reason why it shouldn't be possible to minimize a problem.For example, "minimizing the loss" can be converted to "maximizing profits". More generally, if the function you want to minimize is f(x), just define a new function, which we might call g(x), defined as g(x) = -f(x). Thus, minimizing f(x) is equivalent to maximizing g(x).

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When you click outside a window it should not minimize, it should bring to the top the thing you clicked on (unless you clicked on the desktop). What causes a window to minimize is either clicking its minimize button or double clicking on the top strip of the window.I don't know what you are actually doing.

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