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The ball returns to the ground with increasing velocity due to acceleration due to gravity. At a point (terminal velocity) the ball maintains a constant velocity (due to air resistance) This occurs when the weight of the ball is equal to the viscous drag of the air (air resistance) and upthrust (weight of air displaced).

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Q: What effect does the force of gravity have on the ball thrown upwards?
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What is the force that gives a thrown ball its vertical movement?

Gravity is the force that gives a thrown ball its vertical movement. As the ball is thrown upwards, gravity acts on it, pulling it back down towards the ground. The vertical movement of the ball is a result of the interaction between the force of the throw and the force of gravity.

Which force acts on a body thrown vertically upwards?

The force acting on a body thrown vertically upwards is gravity. Gravity pulls the body back towards the ground, causing it to slow down and eventually stop at its highest point before falling back down.

Does a ball thrown upwards lose momentum?

Yes, a ball thrown upwards loses momentum as it moves against gravity. Gravity acts as a force that opposes the motion of the ball, slowing it down until it eventually reaches its highest point and then starts to descend back down.

When a ball bounces back to the ground because of gravity right?

Yes, when a ball is thrown upwards, it will eventually fall back down to the ground due to the force of gravity acting upon it. Gravity causes objects to be attracted towards the center of the Earth, making them fall downwards when they are not supported.

Why a ball flies high when it is thrown upwards?

because of gravity and force. what goes up must go down. it also depends on how hard you throw the ball.

How is gravity different for objects that freely fall down and those thrown upwards?

Gravity acts the same way on objects falling freely down and those thrown upwards. The difference lies in the initial velocity and direction of the objects. Objects thrown upwards have an initial velocity that opposes gravity, causing them to slow down and eventually fall back down due to gravity. Objects falling freely down have an initial velocity of zero and accelerate towards the ground due to gravity.

Why does a projectile move upwards when thrown upwards even though a force of gravity acts downwards on it?

The initial force applied to the projectile when thrown upwards gives it momentum to move in that direction. However, gravity acts as a downward force, causing the projectile to eventually slow down and fall back down. The projectile continues to move upwards until gravity overcomes the initial force and brings it back to the ground.

Why it is taken as negative when an object is thrown upwards against gravitation?

When an object is thrown upwards against gravity, it is viewed as negative because it goes against the natural path of falling due to gravity. It requires energy input to overcome gravity, which is why it is seen as a negative action. Objects thrown upwards will eventually slow down and fall back to the ground due to the force of gravity acting on them.

What force does Earth exerts on a ball thrown into the air?

The force exerted by Earth on a ball thrown into the air is the force of gravity. Gravity is a fundamental force that pulls objects towards the center of the Earth. As the ball goes up, gravity acts to bring it back down towards the Earth's surface.

What is the force that gives a thrown ball a vertical movement?


Which force makes a thrown ball fall back to the ground?

Gravity is the force that makes a thrown ball fall back to the ground. It pulls objects towards the center of the Earth.

Why does a ball fall when thrown?

A thrown ball falls due to the force of gravity acting on it. Gravity pulls the ball towards the Earth's center, causing it to accelerate downward until it hits the ground or another surface.