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The Effects Of Motivation On Performance

Findings Task 2- Write a Report on the effects of Motivation on Performance Research people's attitude to work and factors affecting their motivation by constructing a questionnaire and conducting a small survey. You should aim to distribute your questionnaire to at least 5 people within your organisation. Gather information on what motivates individual performance and identify attitudes to work by interviewing an employee in-depth and comparing their attitudes with your own. Relate you findings to motivation theories and provide a description of the motivators appropriate for different types of individual performance. Andrew and Robertson: An Introduction to the Business Objectives Andrew and Robertson have started put life as property mangers in 1887. Managing properties on behalf of owners. Southwark Council also contracted out housing management for a trial period in the 90's in which Andrew and Robertson's partly participated. In the 1960's Andrew and Robertson expanded into auctioneering. The object of this section of the business aims to sell houses at auctions 4 times a year. However 1980 prior they only had two actions a year. The business aims to make a profit for the four senor partners. The business has no obvious intentions to float on the Stock Market. The partnership has currently invested in a new phone system and computer network for one of its three branches. This according to an associate partner is the partnership attempting to modernise the old fashion approach to the business currently used by managers. Serves Andrew and Robertson's serve the clients who own the properties, which they manage. The management also serve their auctioneering arm that sells properties for the clients of the property-managing arm who wish to sell their properties. Motivational Procedures Andrew and Robertson's have no written procedures however there are a number of unwritten procedures, which are used. These procedures include: Staff/Management association (This is not like by a small minority of staff ¼) Close quarters arrangements (Putting desks in close proximity for communication means) Appraisal Meetings (Token) Staff Management association This is the system in which higher level management work along side their employers. In the hope that the bond between the lower level workers and management will form, thus allowing the effectiveness and experience to watched and carried on to staff that are not as skilled. This method also serves to lower the amount of effort put into motivational practices. Close quarters arrangements This method thought not intended is highly effective in motivating staff. When I worked at Andrew and Robertson's I noticed that the environment was extremely helpful. People were always in a helpful mood and the method of forcing employees into helping each other via the forming of friendship and mutuality. Appraisal Meetings (Token) As stated above the appraisal systems are seen as token in the eyes of most employees who work for Andrew and Robertson's. This is partly because their views are listened to but ignored. (Which will be talked about later in the report) The Office Environment Environmental Operations Environmentalism has been fully adopted by Andrew and Robertson's and the impact of production of the environment has been reduced wherever possible. As stated above Andrew and Robertson's adapts a lot of environmental policies, which all departments and units must follow. Which adds value to the company's environmental image. Andrew and Robertson's one of the biggest private project undertaken in United Kingdom since 1997 (Poverty in London). The company's participation in the charity work increased sales for the year and increased the long-term "perceived value" of the company. As well as helping outside organisations, this activity also gave Andrew and Robertson's employees a feeling of trust and pride to work in an Environmentally friendly company Employee's General Views In the questionnaire, which I typed, many rated the office environment from 5 to 7(N0.5), (6 out of 9). But felt that they were listened to in appraisal but their views were ignored (No.17), (7 out of 9). This was one of the major "stifles" of the Andrew and Robertson staff. What is Good? In the questionnaire, which I designed many employees said they did work over their contracted hours (N.02). Question number three also asked how long the employees had been working for Andrew and Robertson's. The answer to this question was that 3 out of the nine question said they had worked here for at least 10 years. In many companies in today's modern environment stress is linked to overtime and boredom. In Andrew and Robertson's employees did not have to work overtime, instead they chose to work overtime (some for Free) and explained to me that the environment was so productive some viewed it as a second home. Which is why a biggish number of questioned staff have worked for Andrew and Robertson's for over ten years due to the reasonable pay and working hours. What are the Bad points? The office environment is generally very good, however the main worry of the majority of workers is the Workload, which from my questionnaire shows 6 out of 8 people classed their workload as Large or Extremely Large (No.08). After some advanced investigations I found that the employees did not associate their pay with the amount of work, which was completed. After observing the subjects I found out that sometimes of the large workloads angered them. But surprisingly times when they had no work to do angered them more. The generally delegation of work was poor as many people only delegated minor tasks and did not utilise (PR's) Personal Assistants fully. Techniques Used As a general rule the one factor that adds value is security, which is why many businesses have an IT Mission Statement. Having an IT Mission Statements available to the public can increase value, because customers will be assured that the company is looking after their credit details securely. The recently drawn-up IT mission statement for Andrew and Robertson, (Which is set out below), also helps to motivate its staff because the Technology deficiently, which exists was de-motivating employees. Within Andrew and Robertson's there are three branches. The modestly new Auctioneering hand of the company is fully computerised and trained. With the new Structure for computer training coming into force the de-motivational effect of the Auctioneering hand will be balanced out. As well as providing an additional link through the extra computer training, which will be taking place. In the questionnaire, which I designed all of the staff pointed out that the company organised a Christmas party every year (9 out of 9). This according to an associate partner is a motivational method, which involves allowing the employees to integrate into a whole, so that they will work toward the company's ultimate goals and aspirations by working together. Not Used Sales of each brand relative to each country Andrew and Robertson's have its own MIS (Management information Systems) Network, which integrates communication systems and ATM communication systems (Internal) Instant Information Access), between the different operations. This is another Management Information System (MIS). Which adds value to the production procedure. In United Kingdom itself, Andrew and Robertson's has built a data storage centre with information on all areas including: · Employees wages · Historic sales etc. Although the system is not available to the low level workers. In the questionnaire, which I used, question No.17 (In your appraisals are you views listened to and passed on to management?). The answers were: I am listened to 1 I am not listened to o I am listened to, but my views are ignored 7 I am not listened to, and my views are ignored 1 However if the MIS system was available to the low level employees then they could see some of the ideas, which were supposedly being ignored, were not. This has a de-motivational effect, which could be avoided. If the MIS was available to employees or even if they were told by a supervisor, which they are not. Staff /Integral or Not? Enhanced Expro Central to this ongoing improvement process is the continual integration of enhanced Expro into Andrew and Robertson's. Enhanced Expro promotes the culture in which staffs are empowered and take responsibility for their individual activities. This culture creates the correct environment for the potential of the improvement process to be maximised through the participation of Andrew and Robertson's workforce. As well as improving motivation Expro also improves efficiently and increases the quality of them alcohol produced. Enhanced Expro does not benefit suppliers or customers directly. It is designed to empower employees, and make them feel needed. When the employees of Andrew and Robertson's feel as part of the company the suppliers will have more parts ordered and customers may have a wider choice if the company develops their range. Within the partnership of Andrew and Robertson's staff are integral. During my time at Andrew and Robertson's I found no evidence to suggest that staff were not integral. Improvement Process The planning and improvement cycle is an example of an improvement process in Andrew and Robertson's. This process diagrammatically is relatively self-explanatory and is ' managed', produced and implemented by the Andrew and Robertson's. The process regulates continual improvement and also improves production efficiently. I have also found that the Value Creation Areas (Management Philosophy) for Andrew and Robertson's, don't change frequently, the KPI's (Improvement Teams) required to monitor and evaluate performance are reviewed at least annually to ensure focus on the essentials success factors. Which will further more increase the company's competitiveness and quality of its produce. Action areas (value drivers) are identified to lessen the gap between performance and targets, benchmarking has been one of the specific tools used. The information from benchmarking and gap analysis is used to identify targets and stretch targets (Most of staff performance is measured by the KPI's targets, relevant to their tasks). Improvement plans are developed to ensure that the 50/50 targets are met. They also support the pursuit of the 90/100 stretch targets. The improvement plans are put together through workshops, improvement teams but mainly by workforce participation in identifying new improvement activities. All on going improvement activities are monitored. Each improve activity is logged in a database. The integrated to planning control group (IPCG) reviews the database monthly. When an activity comes to an end it is close out. The progress of the improvement drive is documented via quarterly reports and a live improvement Dot Plot reports progress in the BOR. Freedom Staff views more or less freedom? The staffs that are employed by Andrew and Robertson was a large amount of freedom in completing tasks, which they undertake and feel they are allowed too much freedom. A downfall of this often underestimated and unutilised perk is that it leaves staff needing stability. However the opposite has happened at Andrew and Robertson's. The staffs have flourished under the freedom and feel that they (as stated above) can call their workplace and second home. Equal Opportunities Males to Females ratio In the questionnaire, which I designed the number of females who completed the questionnaire and returned compared to the men was 6 to 2(No.1), however in the actual business out of 34 employees 21 are women and 13 are women. This is partly due to the fact that there are a not of PR's (Personal Assistants) and clerks, which all happen to be women. The fact that the above jobs were all taken by women is not surprising since the jobs are traditionally taken by women and the higher managerial posts are all taken by men but for two positions at the auctioneering department. This is not as expected a motivational factor since there is an equal opportunities policy being firmly used and improved. After talking to many women in the work place I have discovered they are not at all unhappy and elated with the opportunities, which they have for progression. The Generational Gap Four out of the seven people who answered my questionnaire were aged over 50 years. Although the vast majority of the staff are in their mid 30's and early 20's. These figures show a vast difference in the age group employed in Andrew and Robertson's. The older members of the employees were the partners and other older members of staff worked in processing (accounts service). This age gap is motivating as many older members of staff can pass on knowledge to the younger generation. Management Philosophy Old Fashion or New Age The partnership of Andrew and Robertson's has four partners all over the age of 40 years. Which is one of the main reasons for why technological development has been so slow. However the partnership f Andrew and Robertson's have an up and running Management Improvement Drive. Including IT development and its new integrated ATM communications system. Good Points Improvement Management Drive Andrew and Robertson's also aim to add value so management processes can be developed. The Andrew and Robertson's plc Leadership Team review all the improvements initiatives and decide which ones to pursue. Action is then taken to implement the improvements and progress is monitored. Feedback is given to the Integrated Planning Management Group (IPMG), which is made of planning personnel. Because the Improvement Teams are internal factors for change in production they can monitor all goingons via an extensive database, which is up-dated on a regular basis. The progress of the database is reported to the top management (Partners). Andrew and Robertson's have developed the following Management Philosophy, which encourages changes in IT implementation. The main ideal in the company's management philosophy is empowerment, giving them responsibility and they will feel important. Andrew and Robertson's focuses one three key areas: · Self-managed teams with Freedom to act · Clarity of task · Supportive coaching Leaders Supportive coaching Leaders must be trusted so that the company's aspirational goals can be accomplished. The changes being introduced by Andrew and Robertson's help to motivate employees because they will feel needed and work harder towards the aims of the company, as well as working harder for themselves and their family's honour. Possible Improvements Many of the employees at Andrew and Robertson said that the only improvements, which they would want, would be more effective communication systems. As current systems through adequate were not fully utilised because staff could not use them because of inadequate training. Money or Loyalty: Why would you move on? In the questionnaire, which I designed 6 out of the 8 questioned viewed themselves as Important and two people viewed themselves as Dogs Bodies. This showed me that most employees were happy with their status. This fact was further implied when eight out of the nine people said that they would only leave for more money whereas only one said they would leave for more perks. However when I was questioning other employees on a casual basis many said, "they were quite happy and would only leave if a much higher paid job came along or it had more prestige. Motivational Theorists Chester Barnard "According to Chester Barnard, communication should occupy the centre piece in an organisation 'because the structure, extensiveness and scope of organisation are almost entirely determined by communication techniques'. Communication is, therefore, a foundation stone upon which other activities and functions of the organisation depend. To ensure that such activities and functions run efficiently an organisation" (Heinemann). Williams Bridges Mr Bridges is responsible for the book "Jobshift: How to prosper in a Workplace without Jobs". This book points out the changing conditions of employment today. The main points of the report being: "Employees are contingent workers, i.e. everyone's job depends on the results that organisations can achieve. Poor results mean that jobs disappear". "Employees need to develop an approach to their work and a way of managing their own careers that is more like that of an external supplier than that of an traditional employee". "Employees need to act more like people in business for themselves, setting out their own plans for career development, taking personal responsibility for health care, insurance and pensions". "Increasingly, employees will need to accept that they will need to transfer from organisation during their working for a single company". Virtually all of these changes have evolved due to challenges against organisational members and the increasing ability to alter its image using advanced IT and marketing tools. Frederick Hertzberg In 1966 Frederick Hertzberg said that humans lived at two levels. The physical level and the Psychological level, his original study was to determine whether humans did have two sets of needs. To avoid pain and the second the need to grow as a human. In the original study Frederick Hertzberg asked employees from businesses to record when they felt extremely good or bad. They were also asked to give descriptions of the events leading up to the rise and falls in emotions. The results, which Frederick Hertzberg found was there, were two factors, which affected the work quality and quantity. Salary Job Security Working Conditions Level and Quality of Supervision Company policy and administration Interpersonal relations Sense of Achievement Recognition Responsibility Nature of the work Personal Growth and Advancements Two of the factors which can be summarised as the: Two Factor theories of Motivation and Job Satisfaction Frederick Hertzberg also stated that if some were absent cause unhappiness. These factors are connected to the work undertaken, they involve the environment. They serve to protect dissatisfaction. Another two factor act to motivate employees to their full potential. These are related the contents of the jobs carried out, these are motivational or growth factors. The strength of these factors will affect whether people are satisfied and not satisfied but not dissatisfaction. The Hygiene factors of Frederick Hertzberg can be related to Abraham Maslow's hierarchy of needs, which is talked about below. The lower needs of Abraham Maslow's can be related to Frederick Hertzberg's hygiene factors is listed below: - Proper compliance with these factors should partially ensure employees do not get dissatisfied. However other factors will have to be implemented to improve motivation. In order for employers to achieve efficiently must pay attention to the motivators and growth factors. Abraham Maslow Maslow in the year of 1954 suggested that human needs operated at stages such as basic needs which including food or hunger and advanced needs which include self development and fulfilment. Part of Maslow's argument was that employees try to satisfy the lowest needs of the hierarchy first. The basic need of people may include food and hunger. It is only after these needs have been meet that they will move up to needs such as self-esteem and self-realization. One of the reported problems quite early was the supposed rigid ness of the hierarchy. Research conducted afterwards indicated that people did not satisfy their needs in the systematic method, which Maslow designed. Alderfer later developed Maslow's work. Who after further study devised his ERG theory of motivation. Instead of a hierarchy Alderfer suggested a continuum with three sets of needs instead of five. Þ Existence Þ Relatedness Þ Growth Growth responds to the higher needs indicated on Maslow's hierarchy of needs, Existence to the lower needs and Relatedness to social needs. Much of the critic problems with Maslow's Hierarchy were its rigid ness so Alderfer allowed for two sets of needs to be dealt with at the same time. (The Hawthorne Experiments) Elton Mayo The Studies "The Hawthorne Studies (or experiments) were conducted from 1927 to 1932 at the Western Electric Hawthorne Works in Chicago, where Harvard Business School professor Elton Mayo examined productivity and work conditions. The studies grew out of preliminary experiments at the plant from 1924 to 1927 on the effect of light on productivity. Those experiments showed no clear connection between productivity and the amount of illumination but researchers began to wonder what kind of changes would influence output". It was in the 1930's when Elton Mayo studied the results of experiments involving exposing women to different conditions to see how their motivation was effected. The results, which he found, were astonishing. One set of women was given more breaks and flexible working hours, the output rose dramatically. Then the breaks were taken away and rigid hours were reinstalled the effect was that out rose dramatically again. After studying the results and talking to the women Elton Mayo concluded that the women were happy because they felt needed and lighting and breaks were only a small factor. It was also concluded that because they felt they were important they worked hard and this was the main motivator. The majority of the workers in the Hawthorne Experiment also suggested that when they were working together they had Team Spirit and this was as important as in Sport". It was furthermore stated that working in a team gave each of the member's personal pride and self-esteem. However in similar experiment similar to the Hawthorne Experiment staff stated that "steady work (61%) and steady wages (28%)" were important factors. In relation to Maslow's hierarchy of needs, this shows that the middle needs only have to be met in some cases e.g. telephone operators. Summary of motivation Motivation is a force that drives people to do things. Employees are normally motivated to achieve their needs, whatever they may include. The needs, which workers may want to achieve, are: Crucial needs - Food. Water etc Community needs - A secure job reasonable pay etc Fulfilment needs - Pride, to belong etc The low level needs of employees are usually meet within the social interactions. The middle level needs are usually met by job security and usually increase motivation slightly if increased. I f reduced below a satisfactory level then motivation has a possibility of dropping below critical levels. Higher levels are generally part of the self-development sector and ultimate satisfaction (becoming the top in your field position or experience). Performance ► Reward or Punishment (Employees of a company will be motivated if they associate certain incentives with an activity of work) The Step Ladder of Needs So far I have talked about the answers, which I received from my questionnaires and related my findings so the motivational theorists, which can be seen above. However the need and levels even motivational theories as a whole can be applied to one job at a high or low level. The Jobs that exist in the Partnership of Andrew and Robertson's are listed below. I am going to talk about each one and state at which level in motivational theorists charts they are and what their needs and wants are according to their financial, emotional and physical needs. · PA - Personal Assistant · Property Manager · Finance Manager · Accountant · Clerk · Office Assistant However first I am going to look at some of the key roles held by People in organisations. Although the term 'management' is commonly associated with business we find managers in all kinds of organisations. Indeed, wherever there is a need for People to work together for commons purpose 'managers' are needed to co﷓ordinate the inputs of people, materials. Machines and money. Of course not all those people who carry out a management role are called managers. Headmasters, bishops and generals are as much managers as is the marketing manager of a large company. Within most business organizations we can see three broad categories of management and we will use these categories to look at managerial roles within an organization. This group, comprising the Senior Managers (Partners) or Directors of the organisation, has the most power and responsibility within the organisation. It is responsible for determining the long﷓term objectives of the organisation and has a time horizon of over five years. In a company senior management will be responsible to the shareholders for the success of the organisation. Due to the complexity of the managers' and directors' work it is likely that they will only have one or two executives reporting to them, but indirectly they are responsible for all employees working under them. Directors may be executive or non﷓executive. An executive director is a full time employee of the company. He or she will be responsible for the smooth running of a department within the organisation as well as being a member of the Board of Directors, contributing to discussions, particularly those involving his or her own functional specialism. Non﷓executive directors are part﷓time employees appointed to the Board of Directors because of their broad knowledge of industry or political influence. Their knowledge and contacts may be useful in determining policy or in getting contracts. Non﷓executive directors may also be the representatives of large shareholders who wish to see that their interests are safeguarded. Worker directors These are the 'front line' managers who deal with the Workers and put plans of senior and middle management into operation. These plans are, by now, essentially short-term ﷓ perhaps a week or a month at the most. They are also responsible for large groups of workers ﷓ a span of control of 20 to 30 is not exceptional. Unfortunately the importance of having good supervisory managers is often ignored. To do their job properly they must not only have good technical skills but also very good interpersonal skills. These sets of manager's work within the set the policy set down by the senior managers. They are responsible for ensuring that the organisation and utilisation of resources within their department conforms to the guidelines. Normally their time horizon is one year and they will have between four and nine subordinates reporting to him. Management is often referred to as 'getting things done through people'. This definition draws attention to the importance of the managers creating a climate where people believe that they are part of a team and their contributions are valued by the organization. The team will. Obviously consist of the groups that we have discussed above - senior, middle and junior management ﷓ but also equally importantly, the clerical, administrative and production staff. Today, considerable effort is made by many organizations to make the ordinary worker feet part of the team ﷓ an essential and important member. Involvement in decision making, recognition in company magazines (for social, sports or works﷓related activities), works outings, Christmas parties and even group gifts on engagements, parenthood or marriages, are all part of the process of team building. Motivators Appropriate for Different Types of Performance Frederick Hertzberg Hygiene Theory Many of the secretaries in the firm of Andrew and Robertson are technologically inept. Because they do not feel part of the company they will not work as hard. However technology is slowly being introduced. However in the present employees are feeling de-motivated. This can be related to Hertzberg's Hygiene theory under working conditions. The employees of Andrew and Robertson are working on computers with minimum knowledge and therefore creating a frustrated environment. Under Hertzberg's Hygiene means training is not being maintained and is therefore dissatisfying the employees. Recognition is one of Frederick Hertzberg's motivators or Growth factors. This motivator or growth factor can be assigned to Andrew and Robertson's because of its open organisational approach, which means partners all the way don to clerks, work together and all know each other. Therefore creating a singular workforce geared to meet the aims of the partnership. Because recognition is a key point in work efficiently Frederick Hertzberg's theory can be applied to this approach, which is taken by all members of staff. Within the partnership of Andrew and Robertson's there is a key element, which is used to motivate staff, this is simply congratulating staff on work well done, which is then transferred in to a sense of achievement throughout the entire organisation. Most modern firms use the hard or fear approach, which involves lots of supervision to ensure an honest days work. This approach does not however amplify into a sense of achievement because the work even if complete start to finish is not enjoyable and therefore no sense of achievement. Which is essentially why Andrew and Robertson's have high staff satisfaction and loyalty. Maslow's Hierarchy of needs Self-actualisation During my time at Andrew and Robertson's I observed many of the partners while they were talking to employees. They seemed to be happy and did not look down at lower level employees. The partners seemed to operate on Maslow's highest tier, self-actualisation needs. Esteem Because of the nature of Andrew and Robertson's and the traditional values there is high staff loyalty and efficiently. Also because of the close quarters and the helpful environment there is respect among fellow workers. Respect and self-respect from others in order to fell satisfied and valuable is not a written policy in Andrew and Robertson's but it does occur through other methods of motivation, which have been utilised Belonging Needs Close Quarters stated above this method thought not intended is highly effective in motivating staff. When I worked at Andrew and Robertson's I noticed that the environment was extremely helpful. People were always in a helpful mood and the method of forcing employees into helping each other via the forming of friendship and mutuality. This type of motivations concurs with a stage on Maslow's hierarchy of needs. So therefore staff may not have met the physiological needs and Safety and Security need. However they are directly catapulted on to the third tier, which is belonging needs. As well as concurring with Maslow's Hierarchy of needs. These facts also concur with the work of Alderfer. Who said that Maslow's Hierarchy of needs was too rigid. After further study devised his ERG theory of motivation. Instead of a hierarchy Alderfer suggested a continuum with three sets of needs instead of five. Þ Existence Þ Relatedness Þ Growth Under, which the above types of performance would apply to the bottom layer, Existence, instead of the middle as with Maslow Hierarchy of Needs. Safety and Security Needs The partnership of Andrew and Robertson's is a secure building. All three branches are fitted with Security systems and there is an optional Life plan policy, which can be entered into if offered. Which is the reason for why people work so hard and Physiological needs Basic needs such as food water and shelter are all met because the pay is reasonable at the firm of Andrew and Robertson's. Food and drink is also supplied in small quantities at break times. The management sees these as incentives because in the afternoons the employees generally work harder. So therefore the reason for higher efficiently in the afternoons is the cakes and tea, which are available at lunch times and corresponds to the Physiological needs on Abraham Maslow's Hierarchy of needs William Bridges IT Evolution William Bridges wrote that there have been many changes in the modern working environment. Including the number of jobs in an organisation deceasing or increasing during fluctuating periods of demand. He argument being the advancement of IT had increased competition and therefore the nature of management philosophy. This is truer at Andrew and Robertson's since the number of employees aged over 40 years has dropped tremendously over the last 3 years due to the need for IT compliant staff. Since it is the partners who dictate policy their behaviour and types of behaviour towards their management policy.

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βˆ™ 11y ago
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βˆ™ 16y ago

Employee motivation is an essential element to getting the most out of them. Since they do a great deal of work for their employers, they may loose the same work speed that they had or they may have lost their enthusiasm. Annual or monthly motivational speeches or company events will bring back enthusiasm and work speed.

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βˆ™ 10y ago

When managers include employees in the decision making process, they are more motivated to achieve their goals. Doing this is called getting employee buy in.

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To get more work done - reduce the amount of money it costs the business to get work done.

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