Relief is an ease or removal of pain or distress.
Federal Emergency Relief Act
This dream expresses the dreamer's longing for relief of some sort, or the need for a lighter work load.
'le relief' is the landform, lhe lay of the land in French.
was it not or what
They worked in the columbus.
Circumstance with no relief.
Relief means many things but it means that it is a feeling of reassurance and relaxation following release from anxiety or distress. It also can mean in geography that relief is the difference in height in a landscape; how flat or rugged the surface is.
High relief refers to a sculptural technique where the figures or subjects are carved with a significant projection from the background. This creates a more dramatic and pronounced three-dimensional effect compared to low relief or bas-relief sculptures. High relief sculptures often cast more shadows and have greater depth perception.
DebtGoal is a debt relief agency. I have never known for a debt relief agency to work though, so I would not really recommend using one. Just work hard to pay off your debts!
Aid, assistance or relief from distress.