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it helps u in all ways so u can get red of that fat lol ok well hope i helped u bye

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Q: What does swimming up stream mean?
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What does it mean swimming up stream?

Swimming upstream is to do something the hard way. It is more difficult to swim against the current. Salmon swim upstream in order to spawn.

Do salmon pair up before swimming up stream?


Is walking up the river a true thing?

It is possible to walk up a stream provided the water level is low enough and not flowing too quickly. (A pleasant, cooling way to pass a hot day when out walking in the hills.) A river is usually deeper than a stream, and would mean swimming rather than walking.

Can crabs be picked up in a swimming pool?

No. Avoid picking up swimming pool crabs at any cost. The pinchers will pierce your flesh, causing chlorine from the pool to enter your blood stream. Once you are paralyzed, the pool crabs will devour you. Beware.

What does the direction of the koi fish mean?

The koi fish swimming up stream means the person is currently in a battle or struggle and are still fighting obstacles but wont give up. They have overcome obstacles and have now gained the strength they need to continue against the current. The koi fish swimming down stream means they don't yet posses the strength to make it against the obstacles to move towards success. They have already achieved their goals, overcoming their obstacles and no longer fighting the current.

Who inveted swimming and why?

some guy way back when to get across a stream

What does the direction of a koi fish tattoo mean?

The koi fish swimming up stream means the person is currently in a battle or struggle and are still fighting obstacles but wont give up. They have overcome obstacles and have now gained the strength they need to continue against the current. The koi fish swimming down stream means they don't yet posses the strength to make it against the obstacles to move towards success. They have already achieved their goals, overcoming their obstacles and no longer fighting the current.

Is stream up a compound word?

No. Stream up is not a compound word.

What is a duck's speed while swimming?

1.2 to 1.6 mph depends on water conditions what type of duck - up stream / down stream or lake - if relax or frighten. calm wind or windy there is a few variables to consider.

What acts against the direction of th objects motion?

Any force acting in the direction opposite to motion, such as Friction, wind resistance, or swimming up stream

What is mean by stream in file?

A stream is how a program reads to and writes from a file. When a program needs to create or edit a file, it opens up a "stream" to the file, "streams" the intended data to the file, and then saves it before closing the stream.

This man was known for swimming against the stream and influencing events with his powerful will?

what is Winston Churchill!!! :)