Routine interaction means to have a physical presence on a person or thing on a regular basis or at a set time and day.
Its under the mean interaction
I have no daarn clue.
it is the interaction between two chemicals, that cause something to happen, but not a chemical reaction :)
Human environmental interaction refers to how humans react to and interact with their surrounding environment.
how people interact with the enviorment
The word routenplaner is mispelled. It is supposed to be routine planner, I believe. Which is come to mean that someone who does planning for someone is called a routine planner.
La rutina diaria translates from Spanish to mean the daily routine.
it means to take care of a kid
it means what the earth gives you
Routine cost report mean any report which is produce by cost department for relating of goods
10.I prefer familiarity and routine at work to novelty and variety.