

What does counceller do?

Updated: 12/13/2022
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Q: What does counceller do?
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counsellor i would like to become a counsellor I'm just wounder-in what study path i would need in order to progress. i have no former qualifications and don't mind starting from scratch. I'm 26 years of age please help.

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It may help you .meeting a counceller will help you to start thinking about your life with a different out look. Get acquainted with people who are like you but have found ways to keep the life going wonderfully joyous!Its true and this can happen to you.All the best dear.

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Yes, introducing a dirty finger inside the vagina can increase the risk of infection. It's important to maintain good hygiene practices, like washing hands before any genital contact, to reduce the risk of transferring harmful bacteria or causing irritation. If you suspect an infection or experience symptoms such as itching, burning, or unusual discharge, consult a healthcare provider for evaluation and treatment.

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You treat him as you would any other abuser. Tell someone. Someone who can do something about it. Like a counceller, if it's really bad then tell someone like the police. If the victim is serious about getting help for themselves and the abuser they should file charges with the local authorities. Person's who have addiction problems combined with abusive personalities are dangerous to everyone they come in contact with. The behavior and addiction will worsen, this is a problem that needs to be handled by professionals; the sooner the victim takes action to protect themselves and get the addicted person help the better it will be for everyone. (National Drug Abuse Hotline...1-800-662-4357)