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Trait means a distinguishing quality. Employers will often ask questions like what are your most positive traits. Basically, they want to know what skills and strengths you'll be able to bring to the position for which you are applying.

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Q: What does a trait means?
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What is a character trait that means worried?

A character trait that means worried would be concerned.

What is a trait that masks a trait called?

A trait that masks another trait is called a dominant trait. This means that when an organism carries both dominant and recessive alleles for a particular gene, only the dominant trait will be expressed in the phenotype.

Is the sickle cell trait a severe disease?

No. Having the trait means that you don't actually have the disease.

What does it mean that an organism is homozygous recessive for a trait?

An organism that is homozygous recessive for a trait carries two copies of the recessive allele for that trait. This means that the individual will express the recessive trait because there is no dominant allele to mask its expression.

What Neither allele For a trait is?

If an individual possesses two identical alleles for a particular trait, they are said to be homozygous. This means that the alleles are the same and there is no variation for that trait.

A trait which always appears when it is present is called what kind of trait?

A trait that always appears when it is present is called an obligate trait. This means that the trait is consistently expressed whenever the underlying genetic or environmental conditions are present.

Individual is said to be what if it has two copies of the same factor for a given trait?

The individual is said to be homozygous for that trait. This means that both copies of the gene for that trait are identical.

What is the trait of a herbivore?

Herbivore means plant eater.

What character trait means that you don't steal?

Honesty is the character trait that means you do not steal. Being honest involves being truthful, trustworthy, and keeping your word.

Which term means the state of having two different alleles for the same trait?

Two different alleles for the same trait are heterozygous. No, Its homozygous. This answer is incorrect as homo = same.

What does it mean to be pure for a trait?

Being pure for a trait means that an individual carries only one form of the gene that determines that trait. This makes the individual homozygous for that trait and guarantees that the offspring will inherit that specific form of the gene.

What does it mean that an organism is homozygous dominant for a trait?

If an organism is homozygous dominant for a trait, it means that it has two identical dominant alleles for that specific trait. This suggests that the organism will express the dominant trait in its phenotype.