

What does a serologist do?

Updated: 11/5/2022
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15y ago

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specialist in analizing blood a serologist specializes in analyising bodily fluids eg. blood, semen, saliva etc

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What does a serologist?

specialist in analizing blood a serologist specializes in analyising bodily fluids eg. blood, semen, saliva etc

What does a sereologist study?

A serologist studies fluids such as blood and semen

How Much does a forensic serologist make in a year?

37,000.00 is the starting and ends with 69,000.00

How many years of college do serologist go though?

10 to 15 years.

What is the beginning salary of a serologist?

The beginning salary of a serologist generally ranges from $40,000 to $60,000 per year, depending on factors such as location, level of experience, and employer. Entry-level serologists may start at the lower end of this salary range.

Would a serologist have a internship?

It seems that the main field for serology would be as a medical technologist. See related link.

What type of test is used by serologist to determine animal or human blood?

The Precipitin test distinguishes between human and animal blood.

Who will employ a serologist?

It seems that the general field for serology would be as a medical technician. So, hospitals and labs would be employers. See the related link.

Do you need to be a certain age to be a forensic serologist?


What is an estimate salary for a Forensic Serologist?

The average salary for a Forensic Serologist typically ranges between $45,000 to $85,000 per year, depending on factors such as experience, location, and employer. Entry-level positions may offer salaries on the lower end of this range while those with more experience or working in higher-paying industries may earn salaries closer to the upper end.