Read the Policy
A hiring policy is a document that describes an employer's hiring practices and sets rules for employees who write ads and hire for the company. The document also highlights the importance of human rights legislation.
Commonwealth members received preferential tariffs in the early days, but when Britain joined the European Union, this preferential treatment was lost.
Donald Chrisler has written: 'Preferential trade arrangements of foreign countries' -- subject(s): Commercial policy, Produce trade, Tariff
Hiring means that a store or company is looking for help right now.
Depends on the context. It is generally a reference relating to preferential hiring of women who are very attractive physically -vs- women who are perhaps less attractive but more qualified because of a better education, perhaps.
hiring workers
The hiring process varies depending on the policy of the hiring entity. Cities and counties have fire departments and they have set their own standards. In most cases there is a board that reviews qualifications and approves hiring.
Priorities are things most important to you. preferential is what you choose or desire more than the other.
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