

What does a hifen look like?

Updated: 12/13/2022
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wat does hifen look like?

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How do you use hifen?

A hyphen (-) is used to connect compound words, such as well-being or color-coded. It is also used to link numbers indicating a range, like 10-15. Additionally, a hyphen is used in some prefixes, like re-enter.

Hifen symbol and uderscore?

The hyphen symbol (-) is typically used to connect words or parts of words, while the underscore symbol (_) is often used in place of spaces within identifiers in programming, such as variable names. The hyphen symbol is also used in compound words and in some email addresses, while the underscore is commonly used in file names and URLs.

What sign is a hifen?

A hyphen is a punctuation mark that is used to join words or to separate syllables. It is typically shorter and sits at the same level as the rest of the text.

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