A sports broadcaster selects, writes, and delivers coverage of sporting events and shows that are aires on television or radio stations. They may also provide pre, during, or after the game/event coverage of the actual events.
DR - broadcaster - was created in 1925.
No it is not a commercial broadcaster. It is funded by a license fee.
The average salary of a broadcaster is about $40,000 per year.
David Davis - broadcaster - was born in 1908.
David Allan - broadcaster - was born in 1940.
Douglas Smith - broadcaster - died in 1972.
Bill Smyth - broadcaster - was born in 1936.
Richard Gordon - broadcaster - was born in 1960.
Brian Hayes - broadcaster - was born in 1937.
Bud Grant - broadcaster - was born in 1934.
Christopher Stone - broadcaster - was born in 1882.
Christopher Stone - broadcaster - died in 1965.