It means you have an Honorable Discharge from the United States Air Force.
You would have to specify where on the discharge papers (I'm assuming you're referring to a DD-214) it's found at.
There are no other codes. Discharge was honorable. *I meant "does".
No dependents.
Almost always, you can not change your discharge from the US military from "other than honorable" to "honorable". On very rare occasions, you MIGHT be able to do this, however, you would have to prove that the discharge was incorrectly listed on your DD214.
For any discharge of Honorable or General Under Honorable Conditions the answer is Yes. And in SOME CASES Less Than or Other Than Honorable you can as well.
There are no other codes. Discharge was honorable. *I meant "does".
An honorable discharge is the way anyone gets out of the military unless they are kicked out. When you enlistment time is up and you don't want to enlist again, you get a notice of honorable discharge from the Army.
regular army