if you mean unemployment benefit, yes it does
to lose your job.
I suppose you mean unemployment compensation. That is administered by the state you live in. The answer is never.
There is no cyclical unemployment.
Full employment doesn't mean that there is zero unemployment. Full employment only means that the economy is operating at full employment because there is only structural unemployment, frictional unemployment, and seasonal unemployment. Remaining unemployment is cyclical. Even when an economy is working properly, it will experience frictional, seasonal, and structural unemployment. (gp)
many not working
Think! If you know what unemployment and economic expansion mean, you would know the answer to this! (by Solomon Zelman)
What does cob stand for or mean on the Pa unemployment status
Full employment doesn't mean that there is zero unemployment. Full employment only means that the economy is operating at full employment because there is only structural unemployment, frictional unemployment, and seasonal unemployment. Remaining unemployment is cyclical. Even when an economy is working properly, it will experience frictional, seasonal, and structural unemployment. (gp)
This is the "application for benefits" date and is always a Sunday according to the PA Unemployment web site.
If you mean that you currently are receiving unemployment and are wondering about when you next certify for benefits, its every two weeks.
If you mean disqualifying condition for collecting unemployment INSURANCE, than "gross misconduct" would be a condition. Employment.