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Decide which days you will be available for work and which time frame and put that on the application.


Mondays to Fridays from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. Willing to work Saturdays and overtime.

or maybe

Thursdays to Saturdays from 9:00pm to 6:00am

A students answer might be something like, for example:

Mondays to Fridays 6:00pm to 11:00pm. Willing to work weekends.

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16y ago

depends if you are already employed. if so how much notice do you need to give your current employer. or if you are not employed you can start anytime.

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17y ago

You should beable to but on the application "a.s.a.p." to work, or tell the magager that you are able to work when they will let you. [the weekend coming up, or the new beginning week]

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Q: What do put on a job application that asks what days you are available to work?
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We cannot answer this for you ! Only YOU know what days and hours you're prepared to work.

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I would say that I am available to start immediately.

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Read the job application carefully to determine the information that the employer wants to receive. When an employer asks for country information, they may want to know the name of the country that you current live in - or countries that you'd like to work in. In the U.S., it is illegal for employers to ask the names of countries where you have citizenship. Employers can only ask if you have the authorization to work in the U.S.

What if they ask about the times and days that you are available to work?

Then share with your potential employer the times that you are available. Be honest because if you are hired, this is how they will determine your work schedule.

Is it legal to work 3 days per week in one month and 4 days per week in the following month with the same contract of employment?

Absolutely... Unless you've specifically stated you will only work certain days (and your employer has accepted that) - then you should expect to work whatever days your employer asks you to.

If you are hired based on the days and hours you are available for work does the application become a legal contract that the employer must honor or can he force you to work more?

A job application is not a contract. If he hired you based on your availability to work than he knew before hand of the extra hours. No one can force anyone to do something they dont want to do. It is illegal and against the law to force someone to work more hours than what they were hired for. If you work 40 hours a week and he forces you to work more, I would highly suggest to call the labor board.

How many workdays are there in a year?

356 work days available, less 104 for weekends is about 252 days. If you have holiday benefits be sure to subtract those from the 252 days. If you work weekends be sure to add them to the 252 days.

Is asap good to put on a job application?

No, because often applications are put into the "no" bin because the person reviewing them considers them to be not completely filled out. If an application asks a specific question, answer it. It's no more work to put the date in the space than it is to put ASAP.

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Application Developers Alliance offers work, job oppurtunities, mobile products and apps. These are available to all people especially to those who are entrepreneurs, developers and innovators.

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What do you put on a job application when it asks you for desired amount of hours?

How many hours you want to work. If you put 10-20 or 20-30 that is part time. Forty hours is full time.