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They study the terrain, the rocks, the fossils, and the land mass content and structure of the planets in our universe.l

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Q: What do planetary geologists do?
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Why do Planetary Geologists assign Longitude and Latitude lines on other planetary bodies besides earth?

For the same reasons they do so on earth. To pinpoint locations.

Planetary geologists used meteorite dating and lunar rocks to determine that?

the solar system is 4.6 billion years old.

What scientist studies rocks on other planets?

A planetary geologist studies rocks on other planets. They analyze the composition, structure, and history of rocks to understand the geology of other planets in our solar system.

Do geologist just study the earth?

Geologists primarily study the Earth, focusing on its structure, composition, and processes. They investigate the formation of rocks, minerals, and natural resources, as well as geological hazards such as earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. Additionally, some geologists may also study other planetary bodies in our solar system.

What need does a planetary geologists fill?

Planetary geologists study the geology of planets, moons, and other celestial bodies in order to understand their formation, composition, and evolution. They help us gain insights into the history and processes that have shaped these worlds, which can have implications for understanding our own planet and the possibility of life beyond Earth.

What is the plural of geologist?

The plural of geologist is geologists. As in "the geologists are studying the meteor sample".

Who are the scientist study biology?

geologists!!! ... "biologists" not "geologists"...

What are people called that study the earth and rocks?

That would be a geologist? Or if you wanted a name:

What types of geologists are there?

There are different types of geologists that study oil exploration, mineral exploration and mineral mining. There are also engineering geologists.

Why do geologists use rocks?

Geologists don't use rocks, they study them.