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Q: What did Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak believe Americans would want?
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Would Steve jobs have been as successful without Steve Wozniak?

no, because he would not have ideas that Wozniak would have

Name the Steve who invented the first apple computer?

That would be Steve Jobs or Steve Wozniak, who along with Ronald Wayne started Apple Computers back in 1976.

WHO are apple inc collaborators?

I'm not too sure what you mean by 'collaborators', but if you meant; "Who were the founders of Apple Inc.?" the answer would be: Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne. Hope that help you! :)

Who discover Macintosh operating system?

The Macintosh operating system was created by Apple in 1984, which was incorporated into a computer called the Macintosh 128k. If you meant the first creators of the company Apple, then it would be Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak.

Was Apple Steve Jobs first business?

Steve Job's first job (technology related) was with Atari. He was one of the first 50 members of Atari's creative team. In 1972, Jobs would work with his soon to be partner Steve Wozniak in creating a sequel to the Atari hit game, "Pong".

Who invented the first Apple Mac Laptop?

The first Apple Mac laptop was created in 1987. This "laptop" was much bigger than what would be considered a laptop today, but it was portable and weighed almost 20 pounds. The inventors were Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, and Ronald Wayne

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what did Americans believe that religion would do for them

When Steve Wozniak first invented the personal computer what was Hewlett Packard's reaction?

In those days there was no PC market. Large established companies were not particularly interested as it was seen as more of a hobby than a business. There were probably people within HP who know Wozniak and Jobs, as they had both worked for HP, who would have been interested in what they were doing at a personal level.

Who made the greatest impact on computing?

Depending on your opinion, either Bill Gates or Steve Jobs would be obvious choices. However, there are great people behind the success of Gates and Jobs. Steve Wozniak built the chips for the first Apple computers, and Paul Allen worked with Gates on BASIC and assisted with Microsoft.

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There are quite a few people in the world that believe that Americans are brash and horrible. Others would disagree.

How did Frederick Douglass believe that military service would help African Americans?

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What religion do Americans believe in?

America has freedom of, or from, religion so Americans can believe in any religion they choose. The main religion would probably be christianity, but all religions are accepted, by the law.